At a couple of quid each you can never have enough honey buckets .. I like 30lb square ones as they are more convenient to stack on the shelves I have - you waste a lot of space using round buckets. As soon as you get a few hives and a good year more honey than you thought is a nice problem to have ... if it's too much for your own use or your customer base then 30lb tubs of honey are easy to sell to those beekeepers who need more to supply their customers so buy more tubs and put an advert for your surplus on here.
However, the better idea is to spin it all out, store it in tubs and buy one of these when you need to warm the tubs to jar up the honey.
Useless for jam making but they take a 30lb bucket perfectly and will return a completely set tub to runny honey without overheating it in a matter of hours.