I was fortunate enough to get first place for a lemon honey cake in the Bucks class ,and a 3rd in the open class for a Honey ,Sultana &Apricot cake in the national honey show last week .
These are the respective recipes
Bucks:Lemon honey Cake
170gm unsalted butter.
60gm Caster sugar
140gm honey
225gm Self Raising Flour
3 large eggs
Grated zest of 1 lemon
Juice of half a lemon .
Method :
Cream butter ,sugar and honey .
Mix in the lemon zest ,beat eggs lightly and add gradually to the mix ,
Stir in lemon juice
Fold in the sieved flour
Transfer to a greased and base lined 2lb(900gm) loaf tin
Bake for 1-1hr 10mins in a preheated oven 160°C/325°F/gas mark 3
This cake proved difficult to prevent fissuring on the surface after trying numerous methods to prevent this .If you find a way please share .
Open Class : Honey Sultana &Apricot cake .
227gm self raising flour
227gm honey
113gm unsalted butter
2 medium eggs
Pinch of salt
113gms Sultanas
60gms dried apricots soaked overnight and chopped
1tsp of lemon zest
3tbs of milk
Preheat oven to 160°C(Fan 150°C)/325°F/gas mark 3
Cream butter with honey until light &Fluffy.
Ina separate bowl beat the eggs together and gradually add to the butter mixture beating between each addition ,adding some flour if it begins to curdle
Gradually fold in the sieved flour add the fruit ,lemon zest and milk .
Put the mixture in a greased base lined 18cm round tin
Put in the preheated oven for approximately 1hr 30mins until the cake is firm ,timings are approximate as appliances vary .