Honey Cake Recipes

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Oct 16, 2012
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Fareham, Hampshire UK
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I made a honey cake tonight .. not my usual recipe ...mostly from a Former member on here ~ Tremyfro.

The Honey cake recipe.
250gm honey and a little extra for glazing.
225gm unsalted butter
100gm dark muscavado sugar
3 large eggs ..beaten
300 gm self raising flour.
Oven 160'C
Cake tin ...20 cm...lined and greased.
Cut up butter into saucepan, add honey and sugar. Heat gently to a boil. Boil for 1 minute.
Cool for at least 20 minutes. Beat eggs into honey mixture. Make sure this is cool enough or it will curdle the eggs.
Sift flour into bowl. Pour in the egg mixture and beat to smooth batter...this will be a soft and fairly wet batter.
Pour into prepared tin.
Bake for 50 minutes or more until skewer comes out clean. Allow to cool in tin. Remove from tin whilst still warm. Glaze with warmed honey.

I modified it a bit ... I added a tablespoon of Black Treacle and a teaspoon of Allspice. I also added a couple of handfuls of sultanas ... the latter didn't work too well as it's a very sloppy batter mix they all sank to the bottom. I left off the honey glaze

The cake was very moist and really nice taste ... dead easy to make as well.

Anyone got any favourite Honey Cake recipes worth trying... or just cake recipes ... Cake's good whatever !
I don’t have a honey cake recipe, but I do have a lovely rich fruit cake recipe which my Grandma used. Makes a very good cake.
Will give that a go. So annoying when I am trawling the internet to find a recipe to use up my glut of honey and then find it needs 1 tablespoon or less! Last autumn came across a lovely tart recipe that used pears, of which I had a glut, and a whole jar of honey! It was really good and has been added to our ‘repeat annually’ when we have pears. Will have to find where I sourced the recipe.
I made a honey cake tonight .. not my usual recipe ...mostly from a Former member on here ~ Tremyfro.

The Honey cake recipe.
250gm honey and a little extra for glazing.
225gm unsalted butter
100gm dark muscavado sugar
3 large eggs ..beaten
300 gm self raising flour.
Oven 160'C
Cake tin ...20 cm...lined and greased.
Cut up butter into saucepan, add honey and sugar. Heat gently to a boil. Boil for 1 minute.
Cool for at least 20 minutes. Beat eggs into honey mixture. Make sure this is cool enough or it will curdle the eggs.
Sift flour into bowl. Pour in the egg mixture and beat to smooth batter...this will be a soft and fairly wet batter.
Pour into prepared tin.
Bake for 50 minutes or more until skewer comes out clean. Allow to cool in tin. Remove from tin whilst still warm. Glaze with warmed honey.

I modified it a bit ... I added a tablespoon of Black Treacle and a teaspoon of Allspice. I also added a couple of handfuls of sultanas ... the latter didn't work too well as it's a very sloppy batter mix they all sank to the bottom. I left off the honey glaze

The cake was very moist and really nice taste ... dead easy to make as well.

Anyone got any favourite Honey Cake recipes worth trying... or just cake recipes ... Cake's good whatever !
I use exactly this recipe as it works every time but we put in ground ginger, or even better stem ginger and it is even more yummy. The good thing is it freezes perfectly some always have some in the freezer in case of family invasion!
Note it does make a wet mixture but it cooks ok
Slices sell well at shows too!
Will give that a go. So annoying when I am trawling the internet to find a recipe to use up my glut of honey and then find it needs 1 tablespoon or less! Last autumn came across a lovely tart recipe that used pears, of which I had a glut, and a whole jar of honey! It was really good and has been added to our ‘repeat annually’ when we have pears. Will have to find where I sourced the recipe.
I agree about the small amounts of honey in "honey" recipes! Most frustrating but I suppose they are written for "normal" households rather than ones who have gallons of it lurking on the shelves. 🤣
I use exactly this recipe as it works every time but we put in ground ginger, or even better stem ginger and it is even more yummy. The good thing is it freezes perfectly some always have some in the freezer in case of family invasion!
Note it does make a wet mixture but it cooks ok
Slices sell well at shows too!
I love Ginger ... I was weaned on good Yorkshire Parkin by my Grandmother... so I'll give that a go ... Do you add the stem ginger to the batter mix rather than to the melted ingredients ...
I made a honey cake tonight .. not my usual recipe ...mostly from a Former member on here ~ Tremyfro.

The Honey cake recipe.
250gm honey and a little extra for glazing.
225gm unsalted butter
100gm dark muscavado sugar
3 large eggs ..beaten
300 gm self raising flour.
Oven 160'C
Cake tin ...20 cm...lined and greased.
Cut up butter into saucepan, add honey and sugar. Heat gently to a boil. Boil for 1 minute.
Cool for at least 20 minutes. Beat eggs into honey mixture. Make sure this is cool enough or it will curdle the eggs.
Sift flour into bowl. Pour in the egg mixture and beat to smooth batter...this will be a soft and fairly wet batter.
Pour into prepared tin.
Bake for 50 minutes or more until skewer comes out clean. Allow to cool in tin. Remove from tin whilst still warm. Glaze with warmed honey.

I modified it a bit ... I added a tablespoon of Black Treacle and a teaspoon of Allspice. I also added a couple of handfuls of sultanas ... the latter didn't work too well as it's a very sloppy batter mix they all sank to the bottom. I left off the honey glaze

The cake was very moist and really nice taste ... dead easy to make as well.

Anyone got any favourite Honey Cake recipes worth trying... or just cake recipes ... Cake's good whatever !
That's the old honey cake recipe from Bridgend association honey shows. Tip from WI judge, wrap your tin with greaseproof to prevent it cooking unevenly.
That's the old honey cake recipe from Bridgend association honey shows. Tip from WI judge, wrap your tin with greaseproof to prevent it cooking unevenly.
Yes ... and don't try and cook it too quickly - it worked perfectly with our fan oven set at 160 degrees as advised with a cooking time of 50 minutes - obviously a well crafted recipe and delicious. It's got a zillion calories in it though !
I love Ginger ... I was weaned on good Yorkshire Parkin by my Grandmother... so I'll give that a go ... Do you add the stem ginger to the batter mix rather than to the melted ingredients ...
Both types of ginger in with the mixing of the flour
I made a honey cake tonight .. not my usual recipe ...mostly from a Former member on here ~ Tremyfro.

The Honey cake recipe.
250gm honey and a little extra for glazing.
225gm unsalted butter
100gm dark muscavado sugar
3 large eggs ..beaten
300 gm self raising flour.
Oven 160'C
Cake tin ...20 cm...lined and greased.
Cut up butter into saucepan, add honey and sugar. Heat gently to a boil. Boil for 1 minute.
Cool for at least 20 minutes. Beat eggs into honey mixture. Make sure this is cool enough or it will curdle the eggs.
Sift flour into bowl. Pour in the egg mixture and beat to smooth batter...this will be a soft and fairly wet batter.
Pour into prepared tin.
Bake for 50 minutes or more until skewer comes out clean. Allow to cool in tin. Remove from tin whilst still warm. Glaze with warmed honey.

I modified it a bit ... I added a tablespoon of Black Treacle and a teaspoon of Allspice. I also added a couple of handfuls of sultanas ... the latter didn't work too well as it's a very sloppy batter mix they all sank to the bottom. I left off the honey glaze

The cake was very moist and really nice taste ... dead easy to make as well.

Anyone got any favourite Honey Cake recipes worth trying... or just cake recipes ... Cake's good whatever !
This is the Devonshire Honey Cake recipe on BBC website. Bbcgoodfood.com. everyone chez nous loves it
Come on then ... cake is cake ... Let's have the recipe !
Makes a 20cm / 8inch deep square cake - wrap brown paper around tin to even out cooking
140'c 3.25 - 3.5 hrs or until a skewer comes out clean.

1.25kg mixed dried fruit
175g glace cherries, quartered
75g flaked almonds (substitute extra dried fruit if cake needs to be nut free)
grated peel and juice of 1 orange
125g brandy, dark rum, whisky or sherry or orange juice for non-alcoholic alternative
350g plain flour
3tsp ground mixed spice
75g ground almonds (substitute extra flour if cake needs to be nut free)
275g soft brown sugar
275g soft butter or soft marg
6tsp black treacle
5 eggs, beaten

Place dried fruit, cherries and flaked almonds in a large bowl, add the orange peel, juice and brandy and mix well. Using a second bowl, mix the flour, spice and ground almonds together.
Into another bowl, put the butter, brown sugar and black treacle. Mix well.
Then gradually add the beaten eggs to the butter mix, adding a spoonful of flour each time to prevent curdling. Add the remaining flour and then beat until smooth and glossy with a wooden spoon.
Add the fruit mixture to the cake mixture, stir until evenly mixed and spoon into a greased and double lined cake tin. Level the top with the back of a spoon, making a slight depression in the centre.
Cook at 140'c 3.25 - 3.5 hrs or until a skewer comes out clean.
Cover with a piece of brown paper halfway through cooking if the cake is browning too quickly.
Leave to cool in the tin.

The recipe can be halved, cook for 2.5hrs and use a 15cm / 6inch deep tin.

Due to family dietary needs, I make it gluten free. Substitute the gluten flour for gluten free version and add 1tsp of Xanthan gum to the flour mix to help the cake bind.
I made a honey cake tonight .. not my usual recipe ...mostly from a Former member on here ~ Tremyfro.

The Honey cake recipe.
250gm honey and a little extra for glazing.
225gm unsalted butter
100gm dark muscavado sugar
3 large eggs ..beaten
300 gm self raising flour.
Oven 160'C
Cake tin ...20 cm...lined and greased.
Cut up butter into saucepan, add honey and sugar. Heat gently to a boil. Boil for 1 minute.
Cool for at least 20 minutes. Beat eggs into honey mixture. Make sure this is cool enough or it will curdle the eggs.
Sift flour into bowl. Pour in the egg mixture and beat to smooth batter...this will be a soft and fairly wet batter.
Pour into prepared tin.
Bake for 50 minutes or more until skewer comes out clean. Allow to cool in tin. Remove from tin whilst still warm. Glaze with warmed honey.

I modified it a bit ... I added a tablespoon of Black Treacle and a teaspoon of Allspice. I also added a couple of handfuls of sultanas ... the latter didn't work too well as it's a very sloppy batter mix they all sank to the bottom. I left off the honey glaze

The cake was very moist and really nice taste ... dead easy to make as well.

Anyone got any favourite Honey Cake recipes worth trying... or just cake recipes ... Cake's good whatever !
I am going to give this is a whirl with my daughter and film it for the channel :)
Just made this. I followed Philip’s recipe adding ginger. I checked the Devonshire recipe for the oven temperature where it said 140 fan. It took an hour and a half to bake. I covered it in foil for the last half hour.
How much stem ginger did you use?

Just made this. I followed Philip’s recipe adding ginger. I checked the Devonshire recipe for the oven temperature where it said 140 fan. It took an hour and a half to bake. I covered it in foil for the last half hour.
How much stem ginger did you use?

View attachment 41126
That looks delicious ....
Just made this. I followed Philip’s recipe adding ginger. I checked the Devonshire recipe for the oven temperature where it said 140 fan. It took an hour and a half to bake. I covered it in foil for the last half hour.
How much stem ginger did you use?

View attachment 41126
Sorry for the late reply, only just saw the message. We now use a good teaspoon of ground ginger and then chop up a piece of stem ginger to give a bit of texture, it is EVEN BETTER if you poor some warm honey over the top of the cake 😁😁
That looks a cracker though
Sorry for the late reply, only just saw the message. We now use a good teaspoon of ground ginger and then chop up a piece of stem ginger to give a bit of texture, it is EVEN BETTER if you poor some warm honey over the top of the cake 😁😁
That looks a cracker though
Thanks... I'll try the stem ginger. It's going down well.