Not been a good season by any means,in fact looking pretty dire on the honey front up until around mid july when things picked up quite well in this area,most filling up three supers plus part of their second brood box,some of these second broods are now being back filled quite well,others are still keeping them laid up,which is good as still several over wintering nucs to make up from these.
Most of the honey has come from the bell,with a fair amount of bramble and a little clover during the hot spell.
Have extracted the first ton and a half from the bees that were de supered and moved out over the moors, a little closer to the ling..the supers on these are slowly filling as well,most have filled one super,some a bit more,and no doubt more in the top brood boxes as they contract. Plenty more full supers to remove in the next couple of weeks on the hives that were not moved,a few not so full ones as well from the later weaker colonys. The surprising bit is that most of the drone providers with thousands of drones to feed,and four full size drone combs in each colony, managed in excess of one hundred pounds of honey collected per colony, mostly from the clover during the hot spell.
Been a very low swarming year which is good,bees still out working in the showery weather today,still very warm,and the Buckfasts seem to cope extremely well in seasons like this one.