Hives adjacent to the south bound 42

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Chill out folks.

I posted my initial comment as I thought (and think) the hives are in a conspicuous position from the road and are in danger thereby.

Others have posted in the same vein. Namely for the common good not the detriment.



I know exactly whose those M42 hives belong to. They are security marked with the initials 'MA'. And he, just like any other beekeeper, would not be too pleased with some prune on an internet forum drawing attention to them.
If you leave your gear somewhere visable you take the risk, HOWEVER I would like to point out that we are all probably more alert to seeing hives as we keep bees ourself. Let me explalin. . . Before my OH became into deer stalking we rarely saw any deer, once you start to look for them you spot them more and more, same with Bees, I got my first hive and as far as I was aware there were no other hives close I lived in the area for 3 years, since keeping bees I now know of 2 apairys within a two miles of me! Yes the Honey/hive thieves may spot them more, but the oridinary oportunist theif is going to be ingnorant to them. The Pros are going to know where to look and be able to source them out with little problem. so in some ways maybe having them on show isnt such a big deal, just calculated risk. Crook is going to have to figure out when the best time is to nick them if they are in full view of busy road where someone may become suspicious? I am lucky at the moment my girls are close but I would worry if they werent must admit.
well i am sorry but i strongly belive that if you or anyone else leaves your self open to thieft and it happens then on your own head be it.

i lost 12 hives and several grands worth of gear for being lazy like that once.

if the guy by the main road does not have the brain cells to paint the hives a greenish colour or to position them away from viewing them he should not come bleeting that they have gone.

i have three hives at the bee shed and because EVERYONE KNOWS WHERE THEY ARE if they get nicked then i have already come to terms with it, the video of it happening and there faces will be on you tube in a hour tho.

as for my other hives at the farm, they are sat behind a false hedge and all are painted in several greens, the only reason they nicked them last year was they were moved to someone elses patch.

i know its againt decent bee keeping those veiws but its what i belive.

i dont agree with exact area details on the forum because as are many other forums and web things you can be anyone you want here in virtual land, thives have computers to you know????????

it is the silly positions that put them in danger, i travel quite a lot and on a motorway south of london ( i will be discrete so as not to get more wrath) there is a line of 30 hives totally visible to all, they less that 100 ft away from the motorway and you can see them for hundred of yards

at least the ones we had stolen from near a motorway were hidden in a wood and could could not be seen, it was probably only the bee-keepers white suits that gave them away

they were on commercial frames so i hope they cross breed with some nice Essex blacks becuase they were Hawaiina queens and the F1' crosses can very fiesty

Know them as well. Often think they may not get nicked as they are so close to the road.
well i am sorry but i strongly belive that if you or anyone else leaves your self open to thieft and it happens then on your own head be it.

I agree - if you leave your front door wide open then sooner or later you are going to get burgled. But I would still question the common sense of the guy who goes into the pub and tells everyone that your door is wide open.
Fore warned is fore armed. I would like some one to point out if my hives were visible to thousands of people driving past every day. If every one of them went down the pub and told every one in there how many people would know then.
Fore warned is fore armed. I would like some one to point out if my hives were visible to thousands of people driving past every day. If every one of them went down the pub and told every one in there how many people would know then.

Yes, but surely it only helps if they point it out to YOU.
Anyway, I guess Midland Beek will have told his friend that the location of his hives is now common knowledge to all 5000 odd members of the forum and he can take whatever action he feels necessary.
I can't actually believe this has turned into a debate. There is no debate. It's stupidity. It's not your business where anyone keeps their hives and it's not your business to publicly announce it and it's not your business to warn anyone. It's is certainly not your business to decide that it's your job to be the hive position police. If the owner asks publicly on the forum for your opinion - then debate it. Until then mind your own business.

A few years ago someone on a forum asked "how do I protect my landrover from theft" then very publicly a debate sprang up on the pros and cons of certain types of protection. Then because people are stupid - other forum members described in detail why suggested methods of protection were rubbish and how easily to get round them. So I now know - when I had no idea before - how to bypass most landrover security.

Think for god sake. They are NOT your hives so mind your own bleeding business.
I know exactly whose those M42 hives belong to. They are security marked with the initials 'MA'. And he, just like any other beekeeper, would not be too pleased with some prune on an internet forum drawing attention to them.

No comment on prunes but security marking is all well and good providing they are kept or not sold on to someone with same initials and not part of that nights camp fire.
"Before my OH became into deer stalking we rarely saw any deer, once you start to look for them you spot them more and more, same with Bees"

yes BUT we have to assume hives are being stolen by/for beekeepers or at least people on the lookout for them.
And 12 shook swarms, a large bonfire and a few gallons of 1:1 later I have 12 full colonies for sale at £250-£300 a piece.
I know exactly whose those M42 hives belong to. They are security marked with the initials 'MA'. And he, just like any other beekeeper, would not be too pleased with some prune on an internet forum drawing attention to them.

Watch your language please Midlands. Easy does it dear chap...They are not visible from a car. And further are you sure you know whose they are? And where they are??? The 42 is a very long road.

I suppose being alongside a motorway you would have to stop on the hard shoulder to lift them and maybe Mr Mobile Plod might take exception to your stopping.
I used to do M6 to Cumbria quite often and on one occasion I had been behind a BIG white van tanking along at ninety and weaving about across two lanes only to see it pull into the hard shoulder near Lancaster to disgorge some 20 people who disappeared into the bushes sharpish.
I pulled up a little in front and phoned Lancs police and when I told them where I was I got berated for stopping on the hard shoulder.
I wouldn't have reported anything but I was in a bad mood.........

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