Hi all - new to the forum.

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New Bee
May 28, 2012
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Just to say a big hello to all, I have just registered and I am quite new to bee keeping. I got my first colony July last year. I have a friend who has been a bee keeper for about 5 years now. I have loved every minute of it.

Cheers all
Welcome, Bee-dub.

Glad you joined us. In fact, by the sound of it, you're more experience than a lot of us.

Strange place, this Forum.

Lots of good people, helpful and wise.
Some slightly up themselves, take themselves very seriously.

But largely all good fun!

Hi Dusty

Thank you so much for your kind post, really appreciate it. I can see that we will get on just fine.

Has been a big learning curve over the past few months. Got my colony through the winter, but due to the mild weather, the Queen was laying early.

Managed to get 3 swarms last week. What a buzz "excuse the pun". Not mine I hasten to add.

Since I started my bee fetish. I have been involved in 7 swarms, absolutely brilliant.
Hi bee dub bee-smilliebee-smillie

My story's very similar to yours - it's been an exciting first year of beekeeping and wouldn't have it any other way!

Welcome, enjoy and don't worry about the extra grey hairs - all bee-keepers get them! :)
Welcome, enjoy and don't worry about the extra grey hairs - all bee-keepers get them! :)

Rule of thumb, bee-dub: get 2 beekeepers together and they'll disagree.

In this case, Queens59 is wrong on two counts.

1) Some of us were grey already;

2) Some of us have nothing left to go grey.

No offence, Queens59!

Like your thinking Dusty.

I think I may have a bit of the former.

Thanks all for the warm welcome. :cheers2:
Welcome Bee-Dub..

As you can see from the replies we are are an eclectic and eccentric bunch. Some of us even have (some ) hair.....

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