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House Bee
Jan 15, 2015
Reaction score
North Wales
Hive Type
Hi, Please excuse length of history.
Two winters ago lost all colonies.
Bought local colony - Amm - which was aggressive from the start.
Overwintered fine.
Split in March. Original in hive 1, new in hive 2
Hive 2 slow as fewer bees, but seemed OK
Hive 1 aggressive to point of danger; attacking neighbours in their doorways.
Requeened hive 1. three weeks ago. Am ligusta. Seems fine; laying and good activity.
Today I was attacked 25m from apiary. Twice. Bumpy face time.
After this went to check what was happening.
Hive 1 OK and calm
Hive 2 Fairly calm. Capped and uncapped larvae - latter quite large. Couldn't see eggs or queen. One sealed supercedure queen cell.
Choices seem;
1) Leave alone - half genes would be aggressive (?)
2) Remove queen cell and ensure no queen then put in frame of eggs and larvae from hive 1. - All new genes, but sets back a month or so.
3) As 2, but buy in new mated queen.
Your advice please. Thank you.
Is Hive 2 Q+??
Are you sure it's supercedure and they're not p!55ed off because they are Q-?
I think that they could be - no eggs or queen seen. The cell I'm calling supercedure is the classic bent peanut shape about 1/3rd the way down. Their aggressiveness away from the hive would perhaps fit with a lost queen.
Choice 1) Could still end up aggressive.
Choice 2) Ligustica x could end up aggressive.
Choice 3) Buy new queen which is calm, neighbours would appreciate it, otherwise you will have to find an out apiary.
In areas where it is more built up I use Buckfast. There is a noticeable difference in temperament.
Could they have been older bees from colony 1 from the old queen still knocking about?
:welcome: Back 'coffindodger'. You have been missing for a while, your user name is noticeable. Good luck.
Not sure, but there could be a clue in the name.