Happy New Year!

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Aug 4, 2011
Reaction score
Levenshulme, Manchester UK
Hive Type
Number of Hives
2 - and steward of 8 others.
Happy New Year to Admin and all Forum Members.


What are your (bee-keeping related) New Year Resolutions?

Mine is only to be stung by the bees - not bee equipment suppliers!

Enjoy 2012.

Happy New Year everybody.
Mine is to try and keep my next lot of bees a bit longer than 8 months :rolleyes:
Party time all - mead anyone?

My NYR - Listen to what my bees are saying - not the bee books...

And - not be bullied into buying a new house where I couldn't keep bees...
Happy, peaceful and secure new years to all on the forum (and elswhere.. i guess...)
nyr? hmmmmm, learn more from the world around us. listen more and apply better!!
happy new year to all!

Hoping for nothing more than my bees survive the winter...
Happy New Year to one and all - and a healthy, productive, fantastic queen producing New Year to your bees.....
I wish all a very Happy New Year :)especially jimbeekeepers' new arrival .
I shall shut this damned computer down until 2012 bee-smillie.
Feet up, glass in hand , get a little sentimental (sloshed ) in fact skryckin drunk as they say in these parts .
See you all next year !!!!
God Bless John Wilkinson
Happy new year all

So bored today we took the crimbo decorations down lol
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Happy new year all

So bored today we took the crimbo decorations down lol

Oh no....they come down on 12th night - my birthday: only I'm going down in age after this next one!

All the best to all for 2012. I'll settle for better health and healthy bees too. And not messing up the bee improvement group's queens...
Happy New Year everyone,

wishing you all a good season through 2012, may your supers be full and your colonies swarm free.

Happy New Year to Admin, Hivemaker and to all on the forum, thanks for all I have learnt from you this year, hoping to learn a lot more in 2012 and to enjoy beekeeping even more. not worthy

NY resolution: to collect just a few stings to help the arthritis on it's way, having given up NSAIDs! ;)
Happy New year to all on the forum significant other halfs included as they have to put up with us all talking bees all the time.
Best Wishes