God rest the queen ...

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Oct 16, 2012
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Fareham, Hampshire UK
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In the absence of a sensible thread I thought I would start one. There is not much that can be added to the myriad of tributes being paid to the late Queen from all around the world. At 72 years old she has been a backdrop through my life.. my earliest memory is of me refusing to come in and watch her coronation on a tiny 12" black and white TV that our neighbour had rented for the occasion. Whatever you think of the monarchy nobody could take away the record of dedicated service she put in for 70 years. She ruled over a period of immense change, the like of which the world had never seen. She will undoubtedly go down in history as Elizabeth the Great. I have high hopes that the new King, Charles III, with his interest in the environment, will be a force and focus for change in our beleaguered planet. Long live the King.
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Well, at least (if reports over the last few years are true) he's committed to rationalise the monarchy even further and make it a true constitutional job not the strange hybrid it is now, he indicated a further bonfire of the hangers on and and place warmers which would neatly get rid of his brothers and their spawn.
Unfortunately, now that he is 'king' he will be even further constrained in speaking his own mind.
I remember being the boarding officer meeting the Royal Yacht when it came to Swansea with Carlo on board, it was an early morning (0800) tide and the ropemen and boatmen had been told to work quietly and avoid making any noise as it was still his bed time and he didn't expect to be woken for another two hours!
Funnily enough, I woke up this morning and felt no different, although I will probably have to wait another goodness knows how long for my new medals as, not being handed over yet, they'll have to change the monarch's head!!
Wel I must admit hardly ever giving the queen much thought. I paid fleeting attention to Charles’s wacky thoughts in earlier years which in hindsight are strangely prescient. I don’t have much time for any of the others but I’m quite excited to see how he will shape up.
It was a very sad day for the country. I hope her passing was quick and painless and she departed knowing she was loved and admired by not just millions of Brits but billions around the globe who knew her simply as ‘The Queen’.

To many she has been the constant in our lives. For most we have known no other monarch and amazing to think she wasn’t born to be Queen but for some quirks of history and fate.

I swore allegiance to HM many years ago and while no longer in HM Forces, feel that oath still applies today.

Queen Elizabeth did so much for our country and she truly leaves a Great legacy.

I trust His Majesty Charles III will take forward the mantle of monarchy and make us all proud.

God Save The King
This is a message from our Rector on Jungle Drums, our community email service:

"This is a time of both personal as well as national grief and we come together to support and pray for each other and all who are grieving"

I'm a mild royalist and value the heritage aspects of royalty. But in no way am I grieving and do not need the prayers of others, thank you. I am just grateful for her good life and contribution.

Edit: Have we any Reverend Gentlemen/Women on the forum?
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I quite like this. Statement made, no words or faffing about. Just do it, walk away and let people make of it what they will.

Wivey Square Post Box

It's the Facebook page for the post box in the square of our local village (it wants to be a town now, but from my point of view, slapping a load of housing estates around somewhere that's barely more than a crossroads with a few shops and a couple of pubs doesn't turn it from a village into a town).

Well, at least (if reports over the last few years are true) he's committed to rationalise the monarchy even further and make it a true constitutional job not the strange hybrid it is now, he indicated a further bonfire of the hangers on and and place warmers which would neatly get rid of his brothers and their spawn.
Unfortunately, now that he is 'king' he will be even further constrained in speaking his own mind.
I remember being the boarding officer meeting the Royal Yacht when it came to Swansea with Carlo on board, it was an early morning (0800) tide and the ropemen and boatmen had been told to work quietly and avoid making any noise as it was still his bed time and he didn't expect to be woken for another two hours!
Funnily enough, I woke up this morning and felt no different, although I will probably have to wait another goodness knows how long for my new medals as, not being handed over yet, they'll have to change the monarch's head!!
A true constitutional job requires a true constitution, I think. Not holding my breath
I quite like this. Statement made, no words or faffing about. Just do it, walk away and let people make of it what they will.

Wivey Square Post Box

It's the Facebook page for the post box in the square of our local village (it wants to be a town now, but from my point of view, slapping a load of housing estates around somewhere that's barely more than a crossroads with a few shops and a couple of pubs doesn't turn it from a village into a town).

I have relatives exiled to Wivvy many years ago-assumed to be fully assimilated now.
Looked through the names on that page but none were responsible for the knitting outbursts.
Heard a story some time back of a beekeeper who read the news that the last king had died - out loud to her bees. Wish I could find that story now.
Heard a story some time back of a beekeeper who read the news that the last king had died - out loud to her bees. Wish I could find that story now.
Rightly so ... I went and told my bees in case nobody has told the Queen's - they can pass the message on.
I'm away so not had a chance to tell mine but one of my clients texted me to say she had told hers as she drove past the following morning.
Twitter says the Royal beekeeper told them. I don't seem to be able to post the link. For some reason, I'm reminded of The King's Breakfast by A A Milne - maybe because it's a whimsical rhyme for children
It was the most readable link. There were others stuffed with so many ads you couldn’t read the story.
😌 Phew, that's a relief.......

Edit: I'm reliably informed that the DM is what Bolsonaro, Orbán, Trump & Farage read..........;)
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I don't know much about the Queen so I've listened a lecture to understand the significance of this person for your country. We live in a time when politicians and leaders of nations become TV freaks who want to catch the attention of the public like celebrities do. Therefore the politics is disgusting in many countries. It's nice if the society has someone beyond that monkeys' show, the person without real power but with dignity, the keeper of some important tradition, not necessarily a king or a queen. At least I hope it should be like that.
It's perhaps unfortunate that BBC2 is showing "Remains of the Day" this evening.

I am actually in that film, playing three different extras. Black shirt, auction porter and diplomat with briefcase.
Merchant Ivory were awful employers but it is a very good film.
Christopher Reeve was a nice guy.