God I love growing our own

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I just bought a pack and will have a go. We are out of fresh tomatoes now and the supermarket ones are absolutely tasteless
Most supermarket tomatoes are bland and tasteless but having no fresh ones of my own I bought some organic on the vine UK ones from Lidl yesterday and to be perfectly honest - they are not bad. I love a tomato sandwich but to be at its best it needs to have a good shake of salt on the tomatoes, be wrapped snd squashed in foil and then carried around in the bottom of a rucksack, on a warm day, for a few hours ! And, of course, be on white sliced bread !!

You can tell I was brung up right can't you ? My second favourite sandwich is Strawberry Jam and Banana, followed closed by egg, mayo and cress (even better with salad cream rather than mayo...).
You can tell I was brung up right can't you ? My second favourite sandwich is Strawberry Jam and Banana, followed closed by egg, mayo and cress (even better with salad cream rather than mayo...).

I had a crisp sandwich the other day. Mostly to wind up my daughter as she can't believe people would eat such things. It was bloody lovely.

Both of the above posts resonate with me 😁
My fave is corned beef and tomato (with crisps included if available) but when I was a youngster working in a Guildford office I used to buy a sandwich for lunch consisting of cream cheese, peanut butter and celery. Mmmmmm
I had a crisp sandwich the other day. Mostly to wind up my daughter as she can't believe people would eat such things. It was bloody lovely.

I love crisp sandwiches with a light spread of Lyles Golden Syrup on it too, the sweet and the salt .
I had a crisp sandwich the other day. Mostly to wind up my daughter as she can't believe people would eat such things. It was bloody lovely.

Crisps on their own in a sandwich or they add something to ANY sandwich ... clearly this is a generation thing ... my SIL had never even eaten corned beef until I made some sandwiches a couple of weeks ago. As a kid in Yorkshire my mum used to make me potted meat sandwiches to take to school ... the nearest I can find these days is Pate ... not the same though. My kids are convinced I'm either a time traveller from the past or an alien from another world !
Crisps on their own in a sandwich or they add something to ANY sandwich ... clearly this is a generation thing ... my SIL had never even eaten corned beef until I made some sandwiches a couple of weeks ago. As a kid in Yorkshire my mum used to make me potted meat sandwiches to take to school ... the nearest I can find these days is Pate ... not the same though. My kids are convinced I'm either a time traveller from the past or an alien from another world !
I regularly go to Chichester and walk past the old Shippams factory which used to produce some great fish and meat pastes. One of the earliest suppliers I believe.
I regularly go to Chichester and walk past the old Shippams factory which used to produce some great fish and meat pastes. One of the earliest suppliers I believe.
Yes ... we always had Shippams Pastes at home in Yorkshire. Those fluted glass jars were iconic .. sadly they were sold on to Princes Foods and then on again ... and again. Still available but not the same and hard to find in supermarkets - they had some weird and wonderful flavours. We used to stock it in Woolworths when I worked for Woolies in the early 70's - Big wire rack of all the flavours at the end of the grocery section.
fried egg sandwiches
A staple comfort food in our family, my father loved his eggs, when we worked on a building project together my mother would make up a few fried egg sandwiches as she was filling our tea flasks, fried so the yellows are hard, plenty of salt and vinegar on bread buttered with real butter, then packed up in foil for us to eat when we had out 10 AM tea break
Why have I never done this before? It makes me far happier than it has any reason to.


Just need to make myself some scotch hands now. (No, that's not what you get the morning after a particularly heavy session on the single malt.)

Why have I never done this before? It makes me far happier than it has any reason to.


Just need to make myself some scotch hands now. (No, that's not what you get the morning after a particularly heavy session on the single malt.)

Proper butter then ? .... Lakeland used to sell Scotch hands, I have a set but they seem to have discontinued them. Ebay can help ... but cheaper if you search Butter Paddles in Amazon.

Proper butter then ?

As "proper" as I can get it for the moment. We had to buy double cream from the supermarket because the only local farm I can find that sells their own milk doesn't do so between November and February-ish.

I'll have a look on ebay for scotch hands. I was considering making some myself. I've read that the best ones are thought to be those made from sycamore, and I'm certainly not short of that.

As "proper" as I can get it for the moment. We had to buy double cream from the supermarket because the only local farm I can find that sells their own milk doesn't do so between November and February-ish.

I'll have a look on ebay for scotch hands. I was considering making some myself. I've read that the best ones are thought to be those made from sycamore, and I'm certainly not short of that.

You might be better with beech if you can get some - sycamore tends to stain and blacken with moisture even when oiled, whereas with beech you can get away with just finishing it with food grade oil and it stays clear of staining. Creating the rills in the face of the paddles is going to be fun .. beech is a lot harder than sycamore and will take the machining better as well.
Why have I never done this before? It makes me far happier than it has any reason to.


Just need to make myself some scotch hands now. (No, that's not what you get the morning after a particularly heavy session on the single malt.)

If you have a honey centrifuge that you do not use, make a drum with a perforated plate at half height with a metal sieve and very fine fabric (linen/cotton) on top. Pour in the milk and spin, you will get butter on top and whey on the bottom.
As "proper" as I can get it for the moment. We had to buy double cream from the supermarket because the only local farm I can find that sells their own milk doesn't do so between November and February-ish.

I'll have a look on ebay for scotch hands. I was considering making some myself. I've read that the best ones are thought to be those made from sycamore, and I'm certainly not short of that.

One near me sells raw milk
One near me sells raw milk

I think I found that one the other day. Dykes Farm? If I'm already over on the M5 side of Taunton then it may well be worth a visit. Bit of a slog from here otherwise.

Yesterday I was exchanging messages with the person who finally prompted me into going for this. He was in the process of making a batch of halloumi from twenty litres of milk. I'm going to have to have a serious think about what we do with all the leftover whey. I believe there's a sort of Cypriot equivalent of ricotta that is made with the whey from making halloumi, but even so there's still an awful lot of liquid left over. It has to be useful for something. Shame we don't still keep pigs :)

Our kid has also his own garden, today he was picking tomatoes from it.. In next days light frost supposedly will occur.. Today we cut down flower and banana fruit. Banana fruits are very tiny and when cut taste.. like unripe banana.. This time we decided not to wrap bananas.. Maybe in such way won't flower next year. This year was horror we are not in the mood and strength for non essential jobs.. They will grow from roots again in spring..

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