Galvanised metal roof sheet

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i use ally sheet from fp.had no trouble with it so long as you dont drop a sharp stone on it its fine.a bit thin but as long as you keep that in mind you will have no problems.

I picked up a couple from there to use for nuc boxes over a year ago. They were 1.50 at the time and I was passing. They cover a National roof, that's a 460mm box plus the 12mm (?) roof "skirt" each side plus a few mm gap and about 15mm each side to fold over. Somewhere around 520mm in the shortest dimension. As previous discussion pointed out, they are around 0.15mm thick. That's fine as long as you're careful bending it and don't treat it too roughly in use. Waterproof and reflects some heat if it's in hot sun. If you can get some direct from a printer that's great. But you need a printer who is running jobs of thousands on A2 or something close that needs the larger ali plates. A lot of smaller print shops don't go to that size and many of the smaller plates are polymer of some variety.

Thank you both. I have ordered a couple to test out - much cheaper (and lighter) than anything I've seen elsewhere, so worth a try. And if it works, the forum will have saved me a fortune.
...worth a try...
I though so on nucs. One sheet does two five-frame boxes. They're not out all winter and the low weight helps when they're carried. FP use them on their own budget ply hives with gable roof. If there is a weak spot it's probably the folds. In use they are clamped to the gentle curve of a roller. As such, they are made quite thin, think drinks can, but more stable that polymer or paper at speed on a long print run. Be prepared to give them a wipe with white spirit or similar, some have not been thoroughly cleaned and printing ink doesn't come off clothing easily.
Estate agent's For Sale signs..
Rubberised roofing paint.
That stuff that goes under laminate floors which also works very well as insulation.
Or just lots of coats of fence paint.
I only add some bits of old tent ground sheet and a couple of bricks for during the winter. My roofs are not flat so the rain runs off anyway.
Be prepared to give them a wipe with white spirit or similar, some have not been thoroughly cleaned and printing ink doesn't come off clothing easily.

Very good point! thanks