Frame runners in nucs?

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Sep 4, 2011
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I seem to see quite a few nuc boxes without runners for the frames. Any thoughts on whether they're desirable or not?

Quite a few of runners on my Maisemore nucs are looking rather worse for wear so I think Im going to cut them off and replace with plastic runners when I have a few hours spare.
Quite a few of runners on my Maisemore nucs are looking rather worse for wear so I think Im going to cut them off and replace with plastic runners when I have a few hours spare.
I’ve used wedges on some of mine cut to size as some of my maisemore have either been eaten or damaged from excessive use of hive tools
On brood boxes (Honeypaw) they come in the flat and I just run the frame ends through the table saw lowering the frame rest position a fraction to allow the fitting of a runner to the correct height of the frame. Not so easy with complete boxes but it is possible with a very sharp Stanley knife to remove a little polystyrene as per the table saw. Pin the metal runners on the hive through the drilled holes with a drop of gorilla glue on the end of the pins. I find that without a runner the flat poly rest against the frame lug can lead to a really well propolised join.

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