Queen Bee
Ok have I missed something here?
About sixty posts, it started at post 21, so just need to read from there.
Ok have I missed something here?
Ok have I missed something here? But what has dowsing rods, lay lines, acupuncture or osteopath got to do with setting up a hive to go foundationless?
My fault -- I opened Pandora's box ! Having said that it nearly always develops into an entertaining and occasionally humourous or sometimes humourless discussion about which neither side will ever agree.
Although this year has been a little less acrimonious than in the past.
But... Do try to keep up !
I did contemplate adding hypnosis to the mix could just see a load of hypnotised bees with pins stuck in them drawing laser straight comb along the direction of leylines ��������
I did presume it had gone off topic as there was no way I was going to contemplate setting up my hives using leylines or dowsing rods to ensure they draw straight comb.
the rods will either tell you something or they won't ?
Ha ha, I read through twice and went back to the beginning thinking somehow I had jumped from one thread to another. I did presume it had gone off topic as there was no way I was going to contemplate setting up my hives using leylines or dowsing rods to ensure they draw straight comb. Then when it jumped to acupuncture and osteopath well that was just silly lol.
I did contemplate adding hypnosis to the mix could just see a load of hypnotised bees with pins stuck in them drawing laser straight comb along the direction of leylines ��������
The problem with Osteopathy until some ten years ago was anyone could use the word.
Now anyone practising has to have attended and passed the exams of the University College of Osteopathy.
In my mind, I see no connection in the validation between aroma therapy and osteopathy. PH
DOWSING is something completely different... but it is not imaginary!
I hear it's pretty mainstream in Atlantis.
1. In the absence of any drawn super frames would you advocate alternating frames with foundation and those without, or would you let them draw a full box on foundation first and then swap in a few foundationless frames over time?
2. Is it too early to start wiring frames and adding the starter strips of foundation? Will the foundation 'go off'? If not I'll try wiring a few and adding the strip later on.
Thanks - very helpful thread so far.
At the risk of returning back to the original topic...
1. In the absence of any drawn super frames would you advocate alternating frames with foundation and those without, or would you let them draw a full box on foundation first and then swap in a few foundationless frames over time? ...
The problem with alternating frames with, and without, foundation - particularly in supers - is that the bees might ignore the strip foundation and concentrate on drawing out the frames with foundation and continue to extend the cells into the space of the strip foundation.
I don’t know what to suggest other than experiment and see.
In my experience just the opposite happens - they seem to prefer to build the foundationless frames in preference to drawing out those with foundation in them. On the rare occasions when I've used some foundation to keep them straight they've gone for the foundationless frames.
The key with being foundationless is to keep an eye on what they are doing and if they do get a bit wayward you just take a knife to any lumps and bumps or bend it to straighten it out and they get the message and keep it fairly straight. Once they have built a couple of combs out they are fine.
I thought about making up some super frame sized dummy boards to use as guides for them (before I had drawn super frames available in any quantity) but never really got round to it - might work.
For those that want to try - it costs nothing apart from suffering a bit of ridicule from those unbelievers around you and a bending of any principles of logic you may have.
Whilst not bee hive location related it is amazing how many major UK utility companies still use dowsing rods to find thier supplies underground on unknown ground. Recently in Manchester the water board lady walked out where the mains pipe for water supply went across an unmapped 1/2 acre of a friends new building plot using her dowser rods. The pipe seemed to wiggle it’s way across the field and round a bit. The only problem was when they actually dug the marks line up it turns out she actually had found the gas main by the dowser method but that’s still very amazingly especially as she was always within 3 inches away from it all the way across a old farm field.
If I’d not seen it with my own eyes I’d have not believed it.