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I think the ignorance came from the perpetrators of the discussion not the responders having seen up close the mess that the stuff can cause I can attest to that
And I bet the stuff that you've seen people messed up on is the weed that has been grown with numerous chemicals to make it as potant as possible... Let's get away from that a minute... Medical weed has benefits for all sorts of things and in general isn't smoked but consumed in oil or liquid form.
What I've witnessed and read on a scientific basis from the US, Canada and parts of Europe to me is amazing.. We in this country are years behind the rest of the world we will catch up but it will take 2/3 years.
I wonder what the satistics are in comparison to alcoholism which I think have no real health benefits.
One thing which does annoy me is when we use the 'like' button, then the poster returns and edits the post we liked in such a way as to materially change its meaning. I think it would be nice if everyone agreed not to change their posts after receiving a 'like' as I've been assured that it's not possible for the person who left the 'like' to be notified of such changes.

I think an excellent upgrade to the platform would be if there was a time limit (say, 4 minutes) on editing your post before it becomes "locked". This is what some other sites do (e.g. the FT). It would be complicated to put in place of course, but in an ideal world .....
on some other forums you have a 5min window to edit your posts for typos etc after that the post is locked. I think that would make sense and avoid some of the problems mentioned in this thread
And I bet the stuff that you've seen people messed up on is the weed that has been grown with numerous chemicals to make it as potant as possible... Let's get away from that a minute... Medical weed has benefits for all sorts of things and in general isn't smoked but consumed in oil or liquid form.
What I've witnessed and read on a scientific basis from the US, Canada and parts of Europe to me is amazing.. We in this country are years behind the rest of the world we will catch up but it will take 2/3 years.
I wonder what the satistics are in comparison to alcoholism which I think have no real health benefits.
There is a lot of difference between illegal cannabis and medicinal cannabis extract - they are from different strains of the plant. Medicinal cannabid products can be prescribed in the UK and do have proven benefits to some diseases such as MS and Parkinsons but the earlier thread which was deleted was not about the medicinal benefits - it was straying into areas which are probably best not discussed publicly.
on some other forums you have a 5min window to edit your posts for typos etc after that the post is locked. I think that would make sense and avoid some of the problems mentioned in this thread

One of the "benefits" of paid membership is that you have unlimited editing time. Someone must think this is a feature which is an attractive perk.
on some other forums you have a 5min window to edit your posts for typos etc after that the post is locked. I think that would make sense and avoid some of the problems mentioned in this thread
There used to be a window on here during which you could edit a post and then it was locked but that facility went when the forum passed to the new owners.

My view ... use the PREVIEW button before you hit the POST REPLY ... and then read what you have written and think about it. I'm the worst for writing first and thinking later (always have been) and it's got me into trouble in the past. It's taken me 70 years but I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that it's occasionally better to sleep on something you think needs to be written than post it in haste after a few late night bevvies - what looks innocent from your perspective may not be in the eyes of the beholder ...
I wonder what the satistics are in comparison to alcoholism which I think have no real health benefits.

Mark, I think you would be better to avoid bringing this thread back to the subject which caused the problem in the first place. Clearly, most respondents do not agree with your views about the benefits of cannabis products. So you are on a hiding to nothing by trying to persuade them otherwise.

I accept that your views are gained from first hand experience and therefore have validity. However, I learned about growing cannabis when my father hijacked a small polytunnel which my grandad bought me when I was an aspiring gardener aged about twelve. That was fifty years ago and I can still smell the sharp and rank smell of the smoke when he and his mates were smoking it in the front room. I remember the mess made as the dried leaves fell on the floor in the airing cupboard.

He was ahead of his time. ;) My Dad is still alive and kicking at the age of 86 when his own parents died at 53 and 65; so that may be a big plus for the substance. On the other hand, from the time he started growing and smoking the stuff he has gradually deteriorated into a very uncongenial and mixed-up man who is shunned by almost everyone of his large family and who has no friends.

My experience is anecdotal but no less valid than that of the many people who think that cannabis use is not a dangerous matter. But,having seen this and some other bad examples of the possible negative results of cannabis use, throughout my life I have actively avoided any use of this or any other narcotic substances.
What are forum members thoughts.
C. G. F
I recently had a whole tranche of carefully thought out, perfectly reasonable posts deleted for no other reason than they annoyed the op because I was calling into question his assertion that imported queens don't need any inspections here because they've had full "veterinary examinations " before despatch from their country of origin(laugh!)
This on a supposedly open discussion forum about bees, no explanation, just total submission and agreement by the mod to the child like demands of the offended and outraged op.
That is no open discussion in my view and it certainly doesn't encourage taking the time to read and compose replies to threads on the forum.
Evening all, if mods can see what you've edited in posts which I feel is a bit of an infringement of your privacy, meaning if I right something and don't want anyone to see it by editing it why should they have the power to read what you have edited even if its a message to them.
Does this go the same for PM's...?
A recent thread of mine was deleted after talking about past tence and it seems that we were talking and laughing about it like children.
Also @Erichalfbee please don't think because I've used a Certian substance in the past that it has anything to do with my mental health because you are wrong.
I won't be confiding in you ever again or private messaging you.
In confidence I pm pargyle and he tryed twisting it and throwing it back in my face.
This forum is brilliant and I would be lost without it but it does make me feel like I don't want to post.
What are forum members thoughts.
C. G. F
I've been a member for a decent number of years. I don't have any real concerns about the way the moderators control the forum although I do sometimes wonder why they tolerate some of the stuff that appears. I've probably got a shorter fuse than they have but I try to keep my own counsel rather than moan in public about some self perceived wrong. YMMV.
The correct procedure if you disagree with a moderator's action is to report the post. Reported posts are seen by all the mods and Angie.
You can also PM Angie and take anybody's behaviour up with them.

Mods do not have access to PMs but the admin team do. Whether they look at them I have no idea but I suspect they have better things to do.

We do not want the forum cluttered with complaints. It's a beekeeping forum.
So please follow the correct procedure.
I recently had a whole tranche of carefully thought out, perfectly reasonable posts deleted for no other reason than they annoyed the op because I was calling into question his assertion that imported queens don't need any inspections here because they've had full "veterinary examinations " before despatch from their country of origin(laugh!)
This on a supposedly open discussion forum about bees, no explanation, just total submission and agreement by the mod to the child like demands of the offended and outraged op.
That is no open discussion in my view and it certainly doesn't encourage taking the time to read and compose replies to threads on the forum.
This is so difficult at times....we tear our hair out over it.
Sometimes you can see a thread starting to degenerate and the brickbats come out. One post might be a little inflammatory but you know it's going to get a heck of a lot worse. That's why I took the action I did.
B+ has left the forum so at least you have one less combatant
I would like to thank you for staying around too.
Perhaps we can all take a deep breath and start again?
At least you've demonstrated a level of commitment by staying and continuing to post.
For all its faults this forum is a valuable resource in that the archives hold pretty much the only records of free and diverse conversations between beekeepers from all over UK and Ireland and beyond over the last few years, I can take a bit of heavy handed moderating occasionally if it keeps this place going, forums increasingly migrate to facebwc where those archives are only held in a vault for sale to the highest bidder instead of being the open resource they are here.
@mbc , but it'll only continue to be of real value if it can hold on to the people with a real depth of knowledge. It's one thing to have turnover but not if the general trend is one of losing the interesting posts. So many sound beekeepers who are still active seem to have stopped posting here.

Anyway, this was actually what I eluded to in my post (#30).
@mbc , but it'll only continue to be of real value if it can hold on to the people with a real depth of knowledge. It's one thing to have turnover but not if the general trend is one of losing the interesting posts. So many sound beekeepers who are still active seem to have stopped posting here.

Anyway, this was actually what I eluded to in my post (#30).
OK....I'll stick my neck out here
In the past discussion used to be frank and robust (please don't unpick a definition of robust....I suspect those experienced beekeepers who do still post here know exactly what I mean)
Bad advice was called out and there were few tantrums.
Just recently too many people seem to take offence at the slightest thing and rather than report their concern they launch into ..."I'm offended how dare you" replies, or even worse some folk taking offence on behalf of others.
This forum is not Facebook. I've seen whole threads there peppered with such bad advice and crackpot theory go completely unchallenged. That's not what this place is about.
@mbc , but it'll only continue to be of real value if it can hold on to the people with a real depth of knowledge. It's one thing to have turnover but not if the general trend is one of losing the interesting posts. So many sound beekeepers who are still active seem to have stopped posting here.

Anyway, this was actually what I eluded to in my post (#30).
Some still read the posts and send pm's even if they no longer post.
I've learnt loads on here and used it as a place to air my thoughts and have others pick them apart, also made a few friends, who'd have thought a load of 0's and 1's wiggling in the air could do so much?
OK....I'll stick my neck out here
In the past discussion used to be frank and robust (please don't unpick a definition of robust....I suspect those experienced beekeepers who do still post here know exactly what I mean)
Bad advice was called out and there were few tantrums.
Just recently too many people seem to take offence at the slightest thing and rather than report their concern they launch into ..."I'm offended how dare you" replies, or even worse some folk taking offence on behalf of others.
This forum is not Facebook. I've seen whole threads there peppered with such bad advice and crackpot theory go completely unchallenged. That's not what this place is about.
I'll say this, overall, the forum has a much nicer feel to it than it used to and that can't be a bad thing. I'm not a touchy-feely type and certainly don't mind giving my opinion but very little of this game should be set in stone which is where some of the old members got it wrong. The people most associated with this calling out probably aren't the ones I was referring to earlier.

We can all change our minds and/or find better ways to do things. Isn't that, the wish not to have stuff 'set in stone' the very reason that ITLD gave for not wanting to write a book?

Just a pity that there seems less depth than there used to be.
I'll say this, overall, the forum has a much nicer feel to it than it used to and that can't be a bad thing. I'm not a touchy-feely type and certainly don't mind giving my opinion but very little of this game should be set in stone which is where some of the old members got it wrong. The people most associated with this calling out probably aren't the ones I was referring to earlier.

We can all change our minds and/or find better ways to do things. Isn't that, the wish not to have stuff 'set in stone' the very reason that ITLD gave for not wanting to write a book?

Just a pity that there seems less depth than there used to be.
Yes. I agree with all that.
Yes. I agree with all that.
I would too ... indeed, I would go further and say that some of most innovative ideas (and successful ones at that) in beekeeping have come from this forum - either as an individual, collaborative effort or just as a result of the thought being provoked by a post or a thread on here.

Many of the things those of us have been on here for some time take for granted are not widely dispersed or sometimes even known about throughout the general beekeeping world:

1. Insulation
2. Underfloor entrances
3. Clear crown boards
4. OA by sublimation
5. Push in queen cages
6. Sugar rolls
7. Ventilated Suits
8. Rhombus bee escapes
9. Demarees
10. Olbas oil

I'm sure there are lots of other things, that's just a list off the top of my head - I sometimes find that talking to beekeepers, outside of the forum, that I am looked on as though I speak a different language ....
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