Foot & Mouth essential reading IMHO

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Field Bee
Jun 25, 2009
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In my inane ramblings about the internet i found this blog, that is a work in progress,

In my opinion it is in the publics interest to be aware what went on, the farcical moments, the horrific moments, the whole lot!

I was involved in the livestock industry at the time, and whilst we only had a few dozen stock killed on welfare reasons, two neighbours were 'taken out'.

It is fair time ago but should not be forgotten, and thoughts must be given to the guys who had the increadibly thank less task of going round slaughtering the stock and dealing with the farmers who's animals were about to be slaughtered. Many of them like the author are still suffering from it now. (Matt the author has been advised to write his experiences down in an attempt to get over his PTSD that he has suffered after F & M)

I will warn you it is not an easy read (very well written but pretty powerful and upsetting)

I hope you guys n gals find it as interesting as i am:

It takes a few pages to get going, it is updated daily at 9am, to go to the next page go to the bottom of the page and click 'newer post'.

Please note as i have said above, it is pretty upsetting to anyone involved in livestock but in my opinion should be read by all to be aware of what went on behind the screen of the media.

A friend of our, now an ex senior Army warrant officer who served all over including picnic spots like Bosnia, told me it was the worst duty he had ever had, and the worst of the worst was the silence when the killing stopped.

I heard whether it is true I cannot say but a high number of the tests were false positives and some seriously important blood lines were lost for no reason at all.

Well done DEFRA.

A friend of our, now an ex senior Army warrant officer who served all over including picnic spots like Bosnia, told me it was the worst duty he had ever had, and the worst of the worst was the silence when the killing stopped.

I heard whether it is true I cannot say but a high number of the tests were false positives and some seriously important blood lines were lost for no reason at all.

Well done DEFRA.


Yes the two farms taken out by us were false positives, one was a petting type farm where all the 2-300 animals were as tame as pets.
I have just read this blog and can really sympathise with Matt. I was involved in the 2007 FMD and various other disease outbreaks since(Avian Influenza, Bluetongue). Thsi is why I am so opposed to imports of any livestock without full quarantine. Including bees. Its only a matter of time before some selfish beekeepr/farmer buys in small hive beetle or some other problem for us all to deal with.
How would you go about putting all the millions of migratory birds (that import themseves,from different parts of the world every year), into quarantine.
The '60s outbreak............... put one family friend in a mental institution, he just could not face "humanity" again........ the culprits ( insensitive so and sos) were then MAFF.

Cause??????................ much the same as the last disaster, I believe......... greedy individuals trafficking animals around the country to get the best prices, spreading the horrible disease in their wake............

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