Fly tippers!

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International Beekeeper of Mystery
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 30, 2011
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Too many - but not nearly enough
It's been in the back of my mind for some time, is fly tipping just laziness or in actual fact some kind of twisted mental problem. When I have to drive into our office (once or twice a week to mark my territory and touch base with other team members) I usually take the direct route over the mountains - this also means I can avoid driving through Wales' version of the Gaza strip - the Swansea valley :D
I often see bags of rubbish and garden waste dumped on the side of the 'roman road' right on the top not far from deathray Mattews's old home (google it - you'll be surprised) it's terribly unsightly and serves nothing but at least (mercifully) take your mind off the flamin windmills. but more to the point, regardless of what direction the perpetrators come from they more or less have to pass a civic amenity site!!! so is it just a certain sector of the population have to partake in illegal acts or are they just stupider than the sheep whose lives they endanger with their discarded rubbish?

On another note - I opened the front door last night (luckily SWMBO hadn't come home from work or she would have been really upset) to find two cardboard boxes stuffed with polystyrene, luckily the perpetrator had forgotten to remove his name from the boxes - mr Payne will be getting what for when I trace him!
This morning I woke up to hear a van pulling up outside, I went to one of the outbuildings (SWMBO was still asleep bless her) to find four big boxes dumped there full of bits of shredded cardboard, wood and plastic boxes.
It's atrocious but, being a responsible citizen I think I'm going to try and take some pressure off our beleagured county council and instead of taking it up to the dump, I'm going to recycle what I can - the polystyrene looks to be of a size I can fashion some nucs out of (6 frame if I'm lucky) and some of the timber might do for hive parts.I might even be able to fashion some feeders. Wait until I tell SWMBO (or maybe not - fly tipping doesn't half upset her)
Perhaps they are worried that they might have to pay extra if their bins have a lot in them.
We know that some people do it because they are avoiding having to pay at the local tip because its building rubbish.
Fly tippers are better bred round here.
Got home yesterday to find a note saying they wanted to dump a box or 2 at mine but as I wasn't in could I go on line and select another day, a neighbours address or tell them a good place to leave it.
Great service, just checked on line with the reference number they gave me and they dumped it at 14.17 today.

I too will recycle and re-use as much of it as I can....................hey lets face it I have about 7 different bins to choose from.
It will be business waste. Stuff that the council asks money and all sorts of paperwork. Even the waste paper and tea bags if you have home office are supposed to go to a licensed waste disposal company. you cant transport the used teabag in your own vehicle unless you have waste transport licence.
If you want to compost the teabags then you need more licences.
make sense if you are a big company but for small businesses this gets unrealistic quickly... and when you consider most busoinesses are small businesses, this sort of one size fits all legislation hardly encourages thoughtful disposal.
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I have frequently wondered if the Govt are tackling the problem in the right way. For instance, they cannot expect fly tippers to change their habits when the cost of going to an authorised weigh-bridged outfit is so punitive. Therefore, why not make it a nominal charge, with credit for anything worth recycling, so that there is an incentive not to fly-tip. The cost of doing so would then go on to Council Tax, offset by the cost of not having to go round the countryside collecting the rubbish. OK this may not be an answer but there has to be a better way for dealing the problem of merely hoping for a conviction and a trivial fine and/or community service, thereby making fly-tipping a worthwhile trade practice for the wrongdoers. As previously mentioned on this forum, I am endlessly collecting rubbish from the stream that borders my garden. I stick some of it in the bins but some is non-recyclable builders stuff and worse that I have to cart it 6+ miles to the council (Oelia?) tip at my own expense. Downright bloody nuisance as there seems to be no end to it. then there is the question as to why the Govt. in the name of our dear Maggie flogged off all the council houses at huge discounts so that now anybody needing social housing can't get any because there isn't enough to go round and have to rent if they can .............................. etc etc ad infinitum. So much for trickle down crap that she created.
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and its also illegal to put waste from an office or shop into the public litter bin.
Fly Tipping!!
I live 10 minutes walk from Blackpool Promenade, (it used to be 5 but I got old). All the houses in my area have alleyways between us & the street behind, they are gated at each end. Nevertheless there are at least two couches & at least one bed in the alley at the start of each week not to mention the results of someone's dog. A canvass of the houses that back onto the alleys produces the excuse that someone else must have dumped it! The gates are locked. We too suffer from the results of landlords renting their properties to anyone who can get the Council to pay the rent. There are roughly 150 houses on the street, over 80 are rented by people who rely on others to pay their rent.

Rant over, sorry folks
It will be business waste..
Nope - unless there's a shop in Swansea that specialises in unwrapping children's Christmas presents.
The great unwashed don't have to pay to take their rubbish to amenity sites around here, and if you can get your old matress on the roof rack instead of paying the fiver for collection it makes no sense to drive right past the gates of the dump to drive three miles up a mountainside to dump it. all the stuff I've seen dumped is domestic not commercial waste.
Nope - unless there's a shop in Swansea that specialises in unwrapping children's Christmas presents.
The great unwashed don't have to pay to take their rubbish to amenity sites around here, and if you can get your old matress on the roof rack instead of paying the fiver for collection it makes no sense to drive right past the gates of the dump to drive three miles up a mountainside to dump it. all the stuff I've seen dumped is domestic not commercial waste.

either that or its people who have vans rather than cars... some tips require another bit of paper if your private vehicle is a van and you want to dispose of your own private waste.

Gets so compplicated... We went back up dispose of my parents rubbish in their local tip.
After explaining to the tip manager, he said park round the corner and carry it in then the vehicle wouldnt show on the tips CCTV.

To use our van in our local tip means applying every year to the council for a permit.
To use our van in our local tip means applying every year to the council for a permit.

Is this something peculiar to your local council, or is it that some others just don't enforce such loony ideas.
either that or its people who have vans rather than cars... some tips require another bit of paper if your private vehicle is a van and you want to dispose of your own private waste.

Gets so compplicated... We went back up dispose of my parents rubbish in their local tip.
After explaining to the tip manager, he said park round the corner and carry it in then the vehicle wouldnt show on the tips CCTV.

To use our van in our local tip means applying every year to the council for a permit.

Pretty much the same here apart from not being allowed to walk stuff in either.

The entrance to one of our apiaries was so blighted at the start of last year that the farmer put cctv up -which someone has recently smashed.
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Is this something peculiar to your local council, or is it that some others just don't enforce such loony ideas.

could be - only restrictions with us are height - and even then they open the barriers on certain mornings I think it's just a case of sheer laziness - to the point they are too lazy to go to a tip and put different rubbish in different skips - far easier to drive another five, ten miles in the middle of the night, open the boot and dump it, sometimes in the middle of the road (which does get quite busy in the mornings with local people driving in to the DVLA to work)
not allowing non-local vans in at all seems quite widespread

That's fair enough - it's your rates that pay for the dump, so why should someone else get the benefit. It's a strange fact that as we are near the county boundary it's quicker and less way for some people to go to the neighbouring county's tip
Things like this are a local authority matter.

We must of got one that is not too concerned about it then, take pickups/landrover with trailer full of rubbish into the local council skips with no problems at all, and there are plenty of others, including with vans doing the same. Not much of a problem with fly tipping here either.
On another note - I opened the front door last night (luckily SWMBO hadn't come home from work or she would have been really upset) to find two cardboard boxes stuffed with polystyrene, luckily the perpetrator had forgotten to remove his name from the boxes - mr Payne will be getting what for when I trace him!
This morning I woke up to hear a van pulling up outside, I went to one of the outbuildings (SWMBO was still asleep bless her) to find four big boxes dumped there full of bits of shredded cardboard, wood and plastic boxes.
It's atrocious but, being a responsible citizen I think I'm going to try and take some pressure off our beleagured county council and instead of taking it up to the dump, I'm going to recycle what I can - the polystyrene looks to be of a size I can fashion some nucs out of (6 frame if I'm lucky) and some of the timber might do for hive parts.I might even be able to fashion some feeders. Wait until I tell SWMBO (or maybe not - fly tipping doesn't half upset her)

I wish my beloved would fall for that Bull!....... She must love you!...:D
We must of got one that is not too concerned about it then, take pickups/landrover with trailer full of rubbish into the local council skips with no problems at all, and there are plenty of others, including with vans doing the same. Not much of a problem with fly tipping here either.

Maybe it's because we're more rural, more common sense and a bit more social responsibility - most of the fly tipping seems to originate from the Swansea side of the mountain (take a bootful of crap up the mountain,dump it, steal a sheep to slaughter and sell down the pub on the weekend, chuck it in the now empty boot and then scuttle home :D)
We must of got one that is not too concerned about it then, take pickups/landrover with trailer full of rubbish into the local council skips with no problems at all, and there are plenty of others, including with vans doing the same. Not much of a problem with fly tipping here either.

Its the law of unintended consequences... lets stop unlawful tipping so they impose more restrictions and you get ...

more of the same.
Is this something peculiar to your local council, or is it that some others just don't enforce such loony ideas.

It's hard to believe Pete but they to call me up telling me I should be licenced to carry a bag of rubbish in the back of my car as I ran a business that produced waste material. I used to tell them to go away and stop been so stupid.