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Even $10m does not go far when you have to employ other people - very easy to lose track of costs and LOSE money not make it. At present $10m is SALES ... they have to apply a lot of COSTS to get to a bottom line. SALES are VANITY ... PROFIT is SANITY.

I can well see that the sceptics on here would think the best option is for them to 'fail' before they get to that stage.... and bank what's left of the 'pledges'.

Bit like Sugar and the Apprentice numpties?
Bit like Sugar and the Apprentice numpties?

Exactly, the programme drives me mad - I sit there shouting at the TV - you stupid idiots ... but I don't think the candidates are selected these days because they are the cream of Britains young entrepreneurs ... I think it's more about 'good' TV !!!
Exactly, the programme drives me mad - I sit there shouting at the TV - you stupid idiots ... but I don't think the candidates are selected these days because they are the cream of Britains young entrepreneurs ... I think it's more about 'good' TV !!!

If their profile/cv's are to be believed with their: good degree, top job, well heeled,head hunted and as thick as shxt when it comes to basics. Makes you wonder who's hiring them in the first place? It's a wonder the UK's not gone totally down the pan?
Still hope for some of use lesser mortals???
If their profile/cv's are to be believed with their: good degree, top job, well heeled,head hunted and as thick as shxt when it comes to basics. Makes you wonder who's hiring them in the first place? It's a wonder the UK's not gone totally down the pan?
Still hope for some of use lesser mortals???

have you not read the latest news, it's all a con, they are getting food/water given to them, if they were all proper bushcrafters, would it get the viewers, doubtful, but put a bunch of looser types on an Island and viewing figures go through the roof
have you not read the latest news, it's all a con, they are getting food/water given to them, if they were all proper bushcrafters, would it get the viewers, doubtful, but put a bunch of looser types on an Island and viewing figures go through the roof

have you not read the latest news, it's all a con, they are getting food/water given to them, if they were all proper bushcrafters, would it get the viewers, doubtful, but put a bunch of looser types on an Island and viewing figures go through the roof

Lost me there, I was referring to Alan Sugar's Apprentice numpties, but that too must be a con, wasn't the 2013 a cup cake supply business?
yeah, my heads on wrong,lol, was talking to someone about bear grills and the island whilst typing......

proof that men cannot multitask
Just over two days to raise another million.

raised by 35,865 people in 1 month
17,186% funded
6 hours left.
Just over two days to raise another million.

raised by 35,865 people in 1 month
17,186% funded
6 hours left.

The Flow Hive website, has changed, introducing a forum! So we may not get the traffic with new Flow hives...
Does anyone know how many Flow Hives are coming to the UK?

raised by 36,530 people in 1 month

17,436% funded 0 time left
$70,000 USD goal

I think at least two, forum members, have mentioned they've purchased them.

It will be interesting to see what the retail cost will be direct from the website, and what the increase, compared to early bird savings will be.

If you look at the closing stats, they had a founder on AVERAGE every two minutes!
Last edited:
And now it's closed and the long wait begins.

raised by 36,530 people in 1 month

17,436% funded
0 time left
$70,000 USD goal

Campaign Closed
This campaign ended on April 19, 2015​
forgot to say, three non-beekeeper friends of mine have bought 1 each!

hoping to get tapped honey in the kitchen, and free bees from a swarm.
There's a lot of pressure on these guys now, to come up with the goods. Wonder how long it'll take for the bubble to burst this time?
Wow, what an introduction to this site. Welcome to the forum, unless you're one of the muppets who have bought a Flow hive...in which case just stand there so we can laugh at you.

One of the often quoted features of beekeeping is that everyone has a different opinion because of their varied experiences. But surely 40 pages of cynical nonsense from experienced beekeepers who have no experience whatsoever with Flow hives must be a first and simply undermines faith in any advice offered on any other subject here?

Still, what do I know? I'm just a mug with a flow hive - I must be an idiot, right? Well, I guess we will find out, but in the meantime I will endeavour to keep an open mind...
I'm just a mug with a flow hive - I must be an idiot, right? Well, I guess we will find out, but in the meantime I will endeavour to keep an open mind...

don't worry, your not alone, I've got 7 flow frames coming my way too
hope your on the flow forum,
Flow Hive Man....welcome to the forum :)
It's just banter....and there is plenty here if you look at other threads
Having perused the flow forum at length what is obvious is that there are a lot of beginners with absolutely no knowledge of beekeeping at all who think a flow hive is a way of keeping bees effortlessly rather than a different form of extraction.
Hopefully all will come good and there will be a place for flow frames like there is for the Beehaus, Warres, TBHs and Heidi Hives.
What you WILL find here is a wealth of help and information...much more than any where else....from experienced beekeepers.

CHILL !!!!!