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Then einsteinagogo will be able to afford his coveted kit. And the more open minded members here can have a forum trip to Yorkshire, jars in our sticky mitts, to see a flow hive in action.
JBM is not invited :icon_204-2:

I buy lots of gagdets for all my hobbies, I have a shelf full of them, and also beekeeping items, used once, and never again!!!!
The flowhives are ordered now - I assume no more are available atm.

<big snip>


not quite true, anyone can now order a nice new Western Cedar before Aug 25, at special offer price!

direct from website, with usual protections with CC.
Would you not check the ripeness of your OSR honey? I did...nearly all of it was ready before it was capped. So I extracted it. I don't understand why you cant do the same with the Flow Frames. They lift out the same as a normal frame...so testing isn't a problem. I don't think that the Flow people have said that the bees don't need looking after or that the hive shouldn't be opened. Clearly, normal beekeeping practises would continue.
Interestingly, a number of people who use poly hives found that the OSR honey stayed liquid for longer....perhaps because of the insulation.
In Aussie....they don't check their hives as often as in the UK because they don't have varroa and the seasons and flows are very different. Hence the confusion in regard to the beekeeping inspections.
There are no rules to say that you can't check the Flow Fames as usual frames. It is just the extraction method which is different.

that's why I wrote at the end, maybe you missed it, drain some off, sample and test....couldn't be easier...

with a good sealed, you could do this daily, could even get more honey, or prevent granulation, could be a granulation saver...

also with plastic frames, the bees do not have to build comb, (as much), so can start depositing quickly, on heavy flow..

I definitely want to try one...it's tempting to hit the Button, for Feb 2016 delivery....just need to divert £500 cash from elsewhere...

it's also langstroth, which is a change for me as well, having Nationals!
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that's why I wrote at the end, maybe you missed it, drain some off, sample and test....couldn't be easier...

with a good sealed, you could do this daily, could even get more honey, or prevent granulation, could be a granulation saver...

also with plastic frames, the bees do not have to build comb, (as much), so can start depositing quickly, on heavy flow..

I definitely want to try one...it's tempting to hit the Button, for Feb 2016 delivery....just need to divert £500 cash from elsewhere...

it's also langstroth, which is a change for me as well, having Nationals!

Ah ...missed that bit.
You could always buy just some frames...I believe that would be cheaper.
My point is none of us know if the flow hive will work.......... I've not read the flow forum
Obee.....it does work according to folk who have one already.
You should read the forum.
It's very polite and people apologise for disagreeing with posters.
There is even some absolute beginner who has done a walk away split using two very small colonies as donors and some folk are patting them on the back for expanding their colonies. Sheesh.......
My point is none of us know if the flow hive will work.......... I've not read the flow forum
Obee.....it does work according to folk who have one already.
You should read the forum.
It's very polite and people apologise for disagreeing with posters.
There is even some absolute beginner who has done a walk away split using two very small colonies as donors and some folk are patting them on the back for expanding their colonies. Sheesh.......

But....there are a number of people advising caution and offering help...now the deed is done! Probably not the most sensible action....a bit of over enthusiastic beekeeping! The point is that it is friendly and posters feel they can make mistakes but still are offered help not critism.
Ah ...missed that bit.
You could always buy just some frames...I believe that would be cheaper.

yes, frames would be cheaper, but I'm crap with woodwork, I even hate putting frames, supers, brood boxes together, I find that bit boring...my brain is not wired to be practical with my hands for woodwork, my brain is wired for thinking!

although I do find frame building an super/brood box building quite therapeutic these days! but build my own! certainly not!

If I had frames, they would sit in a box for months, until I thought about doing something with them, a ready made solution, is quicker for me....I had read they may make a national flow frame modification. - now that would be interesting. I think I could just about take a jigsaw to a national super! (it might not be straight though, and I'd have to use filler!)
But....there are a number of people advising caution and offering help...now the deed is done! Probably not the most sensible action....a bit of over enthusiastic beekeeping! The point is that it is friendly and posters feel they can make mistakes but still are offered help not critism.

Sooooooo How many flow forum lurkers are there here

I definitely want to try one...it's tempting to hit the Button, for Feb 2016 delivery....just need to divert £500 cash from elsewhere...

it's also langstroth, which is a change for me as well, having Nationals!

yes, frames would be cheaper, but I'm crap with woodwork, I even hate putting frames, supers, brood boxes together, I find that bit boring...my brain is not wired to be practical with my hands for woodwork, my brain is wired for thinking!

although I do find frame building an super/brood box building quite therapeutic these days! but build my own! certainly not!

If I had frames, they would sit in a box for months, until I thought about doing something with them, a ready made solution, is quicker for me....I had read they may make a national flow frame modification. - now that would be interesting. I think I could just about take a jigsaw to a national super! (it might not be straight though, and I'd have to use filler!)

well, now you could, as if you search e bay, you'll see the chinese have copied them already, I expect they will get pulled pretty soon as the flow team have got wind of it, and the chinese are using flow pictures and text etc, so probably copyright, but no doubt they will get put back up again under a different name/brand

I've only ordered frames as bought a secondhand langstroth to play around with, although the flow frames look easy enough to dismantle and cut down to fit a national, which I'll be trying
well, now you could, as if you search e bay, you'll see the chinese have copied them already, I expect they will get pulled pretty soon as the flow team have got wind of it, and the chinese are using flow pictures and text etc, so probably copyright, but no doubt they will get put back up again under a different name/brand

I've only ordered frames as bought a secondhand langstroth to play around with, although the flow frames look easy enough to dismantle and cut down to fit a national, which I'll be trying

China and Copyright, there is no such word in China, as Copyright. eBay may have issues etc but that is easily solved. Not even Apple have the power to stop China developing similar Apple products!

and it's very easy you go to a Chinese Trade Fail in China, take them a widget, ask for 10,000 of them the same, and they will be on the docks for collection, in 6-9 weeks! (probably easier now with Alibaba)

oh yes, here


it's interesting how the Chinese, have produced these so quick, I wondered where they got their design, or order from to duplicate!

(unless Flow Frames are made in China!)
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"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Secondly it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident".
Arthur Schopenhauer.

I think we can see where we might be at with the flow hive.
We shall see if it comes to pass.....
I have no problem with chinese imports, use imported strimmers and chainsaws in my woods and after 3yrs they are still going strong.

but, I messaged the e bay seller and offered them £100 for two frames, they accepted the offer, yet to buy originals from flow, 3 frames cost £167, so you'd only be saving around £5.70 per frame, ok it's free delivery, but would they last as long?
would they come with a guarantee ?

think I'll just wait for mine to turn up from OZ
but, I messaged the e bay seller and offered them £100 for two frames, they accepted the offer, yet to buy originals from flow, 3 frames cost £167, so you'd only be saving around £5.70 per frame, ok it's free delivery, but would they last as long?

Probably last the same as their chainsaws and strimmers, so no problem.