First full inspection.

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Drone Bee
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
Warboys, CAMBS
Hive Type
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nil bees given away all colonies
What a glorious day Sat 19th sun out bees out all on my plum tree (see photo).
I have four hives instead of 28 now and they are all Langstroth of which two are poly hives. Nos 1&2 are poly hives and 3&4 are wooden.
1 has three frames full of brood and one frame One side full of eggs. they are using up the old pollen in the super above them. Hive 2 has four frames of brood at all stages and a load of bees. Again these are using the fondant I popped in there in Feb.
3 &4 have only small patches of brood and again are or have been using the super of pollen above them for stores.
All queens are from 2010 and I remarked the ones in 3&4.
I did not treat for Varroa last year at all and I have inspected some of the floor debris only a small amount but have not come across a single Varroa.Not raising any hope here as there is still a lot to go through.

Now I'm having a nice cup of tea and tonight I'll be making up more frames for the brood boxes. Beekeeping has at last arrived. Its bloody great!!!!!!!
My limited experience and your report of your hives seem to severely dent (even if it doesn't quite blow it out of the water, yet) Poly Hive's theory that poly brooding is two or perhaps three weeks behind timber (I'm pretty sure it was PH, but he will correct me if I am wrong, I am sure).

My poly certainly needs more laying space as they have use so little winter stores up!

Regards, RAB
As posted often, in Aberdeenshire they ran two to three weeks behind before they started laying up.

However when they got going they rapidly out stripped the timber boxes.

I just checked one of mine, a good going one, and there are three frames of brood. FWIW.

Bcrazy I share your feeling, it is b****y great!

Just inspected two of my hives on National cedar, 4 frames of lovely brood on each one. Well supplied with stores and pollen. Happy days!

Nice to hear things are starting to kick off, as i type this im sat out front basking in the sun, shorts and tshirt.
The bees in my polys were putting on quite a display at lunchtime, one requiring a super. Good build ups all round.
Been through mine today. Most have 4 to 6 frames of brood at various stages. One hive has only just started to lay, will keep an eye on that one. Mine seem to all have masses of stores and nectar being brought in as well.
So is it time for inspection now? I thought perhaps I should wait another couple of weeks?

Just want to make sure I do not disturb them too much......

I think it's on the edge; you probably don't NEED to inspect unless you suspect something wrong (disease, impending starvation, etc).

I nearly went for it today, as the weather was so good, but it seems to be short days still at the moment with a nice sunny bit for a few hours but still dangerously cold first thing and after tea time. There's not much time in any of these days to do an inspection and for them to recover.

My two colonies are enjoying the sun when they can - I think I'll try and leave them to it for another week or so.

Had a quick look at mine today. They look fantastic- a really good amount of brood and still about four deep frames full of stores!!!

Ben P
Great day here in Wigan however I will not inspect yet. Looking at the blossom in the pictures we are probably a few weeks behind as my plum tree is still only starting to bud. Plenty pollen taken in today and a lot of bees were yellow all over. No cause for concern so I am not rushing in.
Im with firegazer not peeking yet been warm midday.then 7 or 8 degrees by 3 oclock going to be same next week warm days freezing night time. So will wait a bit longer yet
Nice pics, crazy -

I'm South London and my plum buds haven't even started showing white yet!
I have now finished going through the floor rubbish and I still have not found one Varroa mite. Strange that. On recolection a lot of the new ly hatched bees were greyish and none had deformed wings come to think about it. I don't like this feeling that something mite bee amiss.


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