First attempt at grafting

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Queen Bee
BeeKeeping Supporter
Nov 4, 2009
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Devon/South Hams
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I have just checked my first attempt at grafting, using a cloake board. Out of 20 that I grafted ( I believed that some of them were just jelly, having failed to deposit the larva) I have 5 definite takes and 4 possibles. Even if it is just a 25% success rate I am really chuffed. These were all done using a Chinese grafting tool, which I did find awkward. The next lot I will try out the stainless steel tool.
Well done. I might try a bit later in the year.
Well done. I might try a bit later in the year.

If you can find larvae of the right age (the amount of fresh nectar coming in can restrict the queens laying space), May is a very good time to rear queens. The bees are so well fed that they nurse larvae very easily.
I have just checked my first attempt at grafting, using a cloake board. Out of 20 that I grafted ( I believed that some of them were just jelly, having failed to deposit the larva) I have 5 definite takes and 4 possibles. Even if it is just a 25% success rate I am really chuffed. These were all done using a Chinese grafting tool, which I did find awkward. The next lot I will try out the stainless steel tool.

Where did you get your Chinese grafting tool from? I bought 30 from Simon the Beekeeper and they're a slightly different design to the last batch I bought. The "scoop" is very thin...almost too flexible, in fact.
I found the stainless steel tools difficult to get the larvae off, but, you may have more luck with them than I did.
If you can find larvae of the right age (the amount of fresh nectar coming in can restrict the queens laying space), May is a very good time to rear queens. The bees are so well fed that they nurse larvae very easily.

Thank you B+.

I am going away soon so the timings won't work for me sadly.
Well done. I envy your eyes..
I never do any better than 20 %.. so well done
I find the so called Chinese grafting too a total waste of time. have better results with my dental pick ( and cell punch even better)
Good luck ... at least you are not importing queens viar some grotty ogre of a German/ Danish importer!!

Yeghes da
Eyes? Go ASDA and tell them what you want to achieve... £40 and I was sorted.

I used a cheap magnifying loupe, Rolson tools, bought from QD, for a few quid. Four different lenses and led light. Some of the Chinese grafting tools were from Simon. Some I bought from Roger Patterson after a talk. With them being straight, going down into the cell, I found my fingers blocked my line of sight, probably why in some I just grafted jelly. That is why I thought I would try the cranked handle of stainless next time. I presume I have to boost the bees again in the cloake board hive for second attempt?

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