extracting and apiguard

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New Bee
Jan 16, 2011
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Manchester UK
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Hi All,

Looking at extracting my first 3 supers ever this week or next. I am looking to apply apiguard after removing the supers, will it do any harm to put the supers back on when extracted during the apiguard treatment? Don't really want any tainted honey.

They are on double brood in which the upper box is full of stores - so no super is going above them over the winter.

lastly, how do you store the extracted supers over winter?

Your advice would be appreciated.

supers can be stored wet or dry. Wet- as they come out of extractor - deters wax moth. For dry supers, put them above the brood over an open crown board. The bees clean them out in a few days.

I store mine by first scraping off any propolis etc, then burning suplhur strips and store stacked with a cover board top and bottom, strapped tight. Keep them in the bee shed, where the cold can get to them - again kills wax moth.

I never worry about the thymol tainting the wax when " drying" my supers.

Apiguard needs temps of 15+, so best get a move on.
Thanks for your reply, So I am probably thinking about putting the supers straight back on and letting them dry them out!

yes but put a crown board (with holes open) on top of the brood box.

They don't 'dry out' the bees lick them clean of every trace of honey....don't leave it longer than a week before removing them

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