Elelectric extractor question.

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Younger than I look. From Solihull West Midlands
BeeKeeping Supporter
Jul 20, 2017
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Having worn out and also got fed up with hand cranking my budget plastic extractor I want to replace it with and electric model. Have 7 hives.

Looking at Thornes they have:

1) Electric UniMel - Tangential 3 frame s/s extractor - Electric UniMel - Tangential 3 frame s/s extractor

2) Konigin 3 Frame Electric Tangential Extractor (50-3-TG) -
My questions are what are the external dimensions of the Konigin? Is it worth spending double the money and getting a very well respected brand or try the cheaper unbranded Unimel. Have bought cheap items in the past and been burnt so I am perfectly happy for the extra expense if the Konigin is reliable and lasts.

Shop round and read the posts on this site before you buy. Over £800 for a three frame tangential is a ridiculous amount of money.
:iagree: you can get a 20 frame radial from Abelo for not much more than that.

Have you tried Abelo by the way?
Or go to Old Castle Farm (they have a website) - they are the main agents for Konigin and have a far wider range of extractors.
In my personal opinion do not gets konigin. I found them impossible to clean and they cut my hands to shreds on the sharp interior trying to clean it. An absolute nightmare and I returned mine as not fit for purpose.
Thanks for your help all. Looking at a Lyson from Abelo.

I suspect that prices are flying up at the moment with everything. There appear not to be many choices for small electric extractors tbh.
I bought a sh 4 frame extractor (Park Beekeeping) for £300 ebay 4 years ago (6 hives). A mistake 9 frames would be easier .. but works well and reliable.
I bought a sh 4 frame extractor (Park Beekeeping) for £300 ebay 4 years ago (6 hives). A mistake 9 frames would be easier .. but works well and reliable.

Park Beekeeping ceased trading October 2021 as per their website.
Seven hives = maybe two supers from each to extract = 140 frames = would take all day with a 3 frame extractor!

Realise that, given for a 6 frame. Tbh it's space fir storing it and I can only go as fast ad I can uncap. Enjoy extraction so the time isn't a major factor rather than boredom spinning.
Could have bought cheaper.

Chinese I am suspect to fiod standard plastics etc. And a want a respected make rather than anon too.

Blackmountain Honey use Abelo/Lyson so that was pushing me that way too.
Park Beekeeping ceased trading October 2021 as per their website.
The small South London industrial estate was due for redevelopment (yes, upmarket flats) and the landowner offered time-sensitive incentives to tenants to leave. Godfrey sold the company to a beekeeper, who I assume will open up elsewhere.

Great loss in these parts, as Park was the only live source of kit and conversation.
Shame you didn't ask a couple of weeks ago. Or wait another couple of weeks now.

Abelo have just had a 10% off everything sale.
And will no doubt discount again in March when Beetradex is on.

It's from their specials with a different delivery so it has a discount. Like everything else in modern retail you don't know what's around the corner though.
Realise that, given for a 6 frame. Tbh it's space fir storing it and I can only go as fast ad I can uncap. Enjoy extraction so the time isn't a major factor rather than boredom spinning.

That's the joy of an electric extractor: uncap while the extractor spins.

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