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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
I am sure that most if not all of you use or at least look at ebay.

On the left hand side of your ebay page there is a list of shortcut links to:-

Buyer Tools. Feedback. Ebay Fees. and Paypal. etc.

Can I just ask if you can tell me what happens when you click on the Paypal link please.
I am sure that most if not all of you use or at least look at ebay.

On the left hand side of your ebay page there is a list of shortcut links to:-

Buyer Tools. Feedback. Ebay Fees. and Paypal. etc.

Can I just ask if you can tell me what happens when you click on the Paypal link please.

Nothing. Just hangs.
As at "now" - I get a server not found error.
It was OK last night cos I paid for something...
If you have a paypal account it opens the paypal log in page

They Charge for every transaction..... unless you send money marked up as as a" gift" to another paypal account holder, but in that case the money is not insured as would be a payment for goods or services, where if things go wrong you can claim compensation... bit like paying on a credit card
It is after all a banking service
Is that too much information !!!
As at "now" - I get a server not found error.
It was OK last night cos I paid for something...

Ah you might have paid for something but did you do it thro that link or did you use the "Pay Now" option.

I reported this the ebay last weekend.. Thier reply was a push button A answer telling me to clear my cookies and browser. I told them it was happening on both of my computers. Then they said it was because I am using Firefox. I told them it aslo happens on IE..... Since then no answer. More of thier "improvements" I guess.
Good to know its not just me tho.
Before we all rush off to try "What are you getting"?


The link is not doing what it should.. A new page starts to open with ... 303.I3970 in the browser bar, and then stops.

I have made a new link to use instead of the "supplied" one.
The link is not doing what it should.. A new page starts to open with ... 303.I3970 in the browser bar, and then stops.

I have made a new link to use instead of the "supplied" one.

Dishmop , same here, the side link does not work BUT you can still access paypal direct or by other routes

such as...going to summary, then the accounts tab, then paypal in the drop down menu
What I have done is to go to Paypal and log in, copy the link from the browser bar, then at the bottom of the list of shortcuts from your ebay page click on "edit short cuts" untick the Paypal box, then write Paypal 2 in the "enter shortcut name" box and paste the link you copied earlier in the other box and "save"

Or dont bother with any of the above and just click the "Account" tab as Muswell says, and then Paypal in the drop down box.

I have my pages set up for ease of use and its bloody annoying when some cretin at ebay tries to justify their existance by "modifying" things.
Ah you might have paid for something but did you do it thro that link or did you use the "Pay Now" option.

Good point - TBH I never use that actual link I either paynow or go via a different bookmark.....

But in the interests of being fuller info I have:

Tried via Firefox - Server not found then when trying again a "hang" (not really a hang but it took too long to load before I killed it).
Tried via Safari and it worked ie It took me into what appeared to be a paypal login screen (although not one I recognise).

The firefox was from a "personal" Ebay userid
The Safari was from a "business/shop" EBay userid
Both on Mac

Curiouser and curiouser!!!
(although not one I recognise).
They have recently introduced a new welcome screen. Blue with the password box hard to see in top right hand corner?
They have recently introduced a new welcome screen. Blue with the password box hard to see in top right hand corner?

Along those lines... TRH not quite hidden but certainly not blatantly obvious considering its meant to be a login page!!

Tut!! Tut!! Probably paid some UX expert a fortune for that!!
The link is not doing what it should.. A new page starts to open with ... 303.I3970 in the browser bar, and then stops.

I have made a new link to use instead of the "supplied" one.

Righty oh, Same here via Firefox, Safari & Chrome.

Yes, all too often some "genius" faffs about with stuff that was perfectly okay.
Wish they wouldn't fix stuff that ain't broke and then when they break it tell you it's down to the s/w you're using. Don't these programmers test before release or are we all assumed to use MS explorer?

On the subject of ebay

Does anyone know if it's possible to list things both as components and as an integrated kit simultaneously? I have some brewing kit to sell and I'm not sure if it's worth more together or in bits. I would be nice to have linked listings that effectively bid against each other.
Or is there another way of achieving the same goal?
Logically you cannot sell them together and apart at the same time. You could list the combined item to finish first with a reserve and, if it achieves it and sells, cancel all the others. Time consuming and annoying for those bidders who are bidding on the individual items.
I'd sell them as a whole (less fiddling with packaging etc) with good pictures, low start price, sensible reserve (if you really must!) and reasonable P&P.
I'd sell them with good pictures, low start price, sensible reserve (if you really must!) and reasonable P&P.

Good advice for selling anything on EBay....

It never ceases to amaze me at some of the:
a) cr*p oictures (& cr*p descriptions)
b) ridiculous start prices
c) mind boggling postage charges
Good advice for selling anything on EBay....

It never ceases to amaze me at some of the:
a) cr*p oictures (& cr*p descriptions)
b) ridiculous start prices
c) mind boggling postage charges

I'd also have a look at 'completed' items and see what other simllar items have sold for ... sometimes worth a 'Buy it Now' listing for the sort of price you really want if you have time to wait ...there's often a surplus of bidders on an item and they will be watching for another one.
Righty oh, Same here via Firefox, Safari & Chrome.

Yes, all too often some "genius" faffs about with stuff that was perfectly okay.
Wish they wouldn't fix stuff that ain't broke and then when they break it tell you it's down to the s/w you're using. Don't these programmers test before release or are we all assumed to use MS explorer?


How true, I was blocked from buying (for no reason) a few weeks ago and after several attempts to get it sorted, this is part of the explanation I received from paypal

"Let me just clarify that this model does not look at you as an individual, nor how much money or credit you have as a buyer. The security model analyzes all transactions in a pure statistical basis.
However, if your payment does not fit the pattern of payments or the interval of payment observed in your past transactions, the system triggers on that particular payment and stops it. This implies that your payment has a high risk of failure or is found to have a lot of potential problems attached to it.
Unfortunately, I can neither give you detailed information as to why our security system has blocked your transaction nor am I able to override or manually change the security settings. Please be assured that this is a standard procedure for all transactions going through PayPal and it's carried out in accordance with our User Agreement."

Can anyone decipher all that crap??
You dont always have to list things in correct section. If you use all the appropriate relevant important words the ad should get picked up.

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