As far as I'm aware all the electricity suppliers have been told that they have to get a given number of connections (80%?) switched to smart meters or be fined (which happened to a number of them last year).
We don't have one, in part because the mobile coverage around here is very poor, but also our meter is in the cellar where the stone walls of the house are several feet thick. There's very little chance of a signal from anything getting down there. I haven't even installed Faraday cage in the meter cupboard
Actually there are two (one fairly petty, I admit) other reasons that we won't have one. The petty one is because of the deceitful ways they've repeatedly tried to get one installed. For example, they'd phone up and say something like "We want to confirm your appointment to have your smart meter fitted", as if I'd already asked for it to be done when I hadn't. The other is that I see no value to me in it. It will not save me money by reducing my electricity consumption because we use what we use. It's not like we "waste" it to start with. If I wanted to reduce our bills any further I'd need metering per circuit, for example for each MCB. Now that actually would be useful.