Drones in the super

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House Bee
Jul 17, 2013
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I didn't intend on doing a full inspection today just a quick look to see if another super was needed: one nearly full and another started. However, on the very bottom of the super directly above the excluder I noticed 5 or 6 drone cells. I opened them up and they were nearing maturity.

This hive was artificially swarmed earlier in the year, and the brood box is rammed with bees on all 11 frames with brood in all stages though I didn't see the queen.

Is it possible the queen could have stuck her abdomen through the bars because she's a bit short of space in the brood box (that sounds dumb to me now I've written it down!)? Or could a rogue worker have laid a couple of eggs?
Sometimes workers move eggs, it's possible they could have moved a few up there.
More likely a laying worker than the chance of a worker moving drone eggs?
Either way, nothing to worry about.
More likely a laying worker than the chance of a worker moving drone eggs?
Either way, nothing to worry about.

I think it was ILTD that replied to one of my threads on drone brood in supers a couple of years ago and pointed out it was laying workers NOT eggs being moved.

I get some drone brood, especially in the 1st super above QE almost every year, doesn't really bother me as long as it hatches and the cells get filled back up with honey = no problem.
I apologise, here's me thinking 'Ooo, I know the answer to this one!' back to asking questions then lol :leaving:

I hope you don't mind me asking questions about your situation Putnmasmif.

So, if it's a laying worker, will she not cause problems for the current queen? How common is a laying worker alongside a queen? Is it quite common? Also, in what kind of situation will a worker move eggs? Would it be a space issue?
I get some drone brood, especially in the 1st super above QE almost every year, doesn't really bother me as long as it hatches and the cells get filled back up with honey = no problem.

Does the drone getting trapped above the excluder cause any problems?
So, if it's a laying worker, will she not cause problems for the current queen? How common is a laying worker alongside a queen? Is it quite common? /QUOTE]

All colonies have laying workers but there is a phenomenon called worker policing where the workers eat eggs not laid by the queen.
I apologise, here's me thinking 'Ooo, I know the answer to this one!' back to asking questions then lol :leaving:

I hope you don't mind me asking questions about your situation Putnmasmif.

So, if it's a laying worker, will she not cause problems for the current queen? How common is a laying worker alongside a queen? Is it quite common? Also, in what kind of situation will a worker move eggs? Would it be a space issue?

Don't apologise at all, it's exactly what I believed until told different. I trusted the info / insight by ILTD due to his vast experience and it kinda made sense aswell ofc.

When I see it in my colonies it is generally due to them being very large and maybe there is not quite enough queen substance to go around!?

Does the drone getting trapped above the excluder cause any problems?
Yes and no. A big problem for them and a minor annoyance for me.
Basically when you lift the lid off the super you get a load of drones come flying out and hopefully some of them stay out and then rejoin the hive through the normal entrance. ofc some of them just die stuck in the QE trying to get down into the BB.

It just means that sometimes the clearer boards will get jammed up with drones although I don't recall having so much problems since changing to rhombus escapes.

So, if it's a laying worker, will she not cause problems for the current queen? How common is a laying worker alongside a queen? Is it quite common? /QUOTE]

All colonies have laying workers but there is a phenomenon called worker policing where the workers eat eggs not laid by the queen.


It just seems that they don't always police the drone brood in the supers, in fact I have also had some Queencells produced in the supers which I never understood why!?

I stopped trying to prevent it totally as it just seems easier to let them get on with it. I just remove the bottom brace comb which contains drones as and when I check supers.

At least all the above is what I have experienced.

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