Drone comb question

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House Bee
May 13, 2019
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4 --5.
As i am still very new to this i have a question to ask .It may be just common sense and obvious to some of you,but not me.
I have aquired some extracted drawn,Drone shallow frames and was wondering if it would be ok to add to a super and possibly encourage a small colony to help build up numbers.
I know not to put in the Brood Box but not sure about super.If so would theese frames benefit the colony or would i be making it more complicated for a newbie like me.
If not what other uses do they have for me. Thanks
As i am still very new to this i have a question to ask .It may be just common sense and obvious to some of you,but not me.
I have aquired some extracted drawn,Drone shallow frames and was wondering if it would be ok to add to a super and possibly encourage a small colony to help build up numbers.
I know not to put in the Brood Box but not sure about super.If so would theese frames benefit the colony or would i be making it more complicated for a newbie like me.
If not what other uses do they have for me. Thanks

Some use drone comb above a qx in a supers... ???carries a few grams extra honey.
Put in the brood box.. bees may add more drone comb to the bottom of the frame.. place towards the edge of the brood chamber.

Chons da
Good question, and good answer.
Yes, some bee keepers use drone foundation in supers to get a slight increase in honey stores, but I always put one shallow frame in a brood box, between others, for the bees to draw down to the floor their own frame of wax. They usually make this drone size.
a) it increases the number of drones developed to supply the area with a better mating gene pool
b) I usually break off a few capped drone from this extended frame to see if there are any/many varroa as these little mites prefer to feed on drone with their longer pupation time scale. .
Some run as Heather says in the BB but with a view to scrapping the drone comb the bees build as "wild comb". This is because the theory goes the drone comb is 8x more attractive to the varroa mites due to the extra three days of pupation. 24 instead of 21 for workers.

I always put a frame of drone comb in the BB of my best performing colonies to try and improve the gene pool and increase chances of my virgins mating with them. I use vaporisation for mites.
Drone Comb

Thanks for all your comments and the link to a previous post .I have learnt much from this and now it helps to explain several other questions i had in mind.I must admit im a bit of a slow learner and taking it slowly.