Driving licence laws.

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There are lots of things going on in Russia i would rather know about.

It's when it turns into something less palatable that's the problem which is happening in Russia at the moment.
, you would think Putin would have more pressing problems than persecuting a minority???

Diversion and distraction, take people's minds off the economy and aggressively invading their neighbours, what's worrying is that Putin assumes persecuting these minorities is gaining the populist vote.
It's all connected, as is our (along with the US's)foreign policy. Russia needs higher oil prices, were squeezing our friends in the middle east to keep it down, Putin persecutes minorities and controls the media propaganda machine (as does the right wing in this country), people get righteously offended on a beekeeping forum in January, and night follows day.
Don't think anyone is 'righteously' offended. I for one am just pointing out that it may not be as comical to others who read the forum.
There does seem to be an element of bullying if you do not agree on this site , most can be put down to ignorance but contributors need to be aware that their comments can be taken the wrong way. I include myself in this category and have posted things which on
reflection may have been unintentionally taken the wrong way
I know quite a few gays, what with my daughter being in the entertainment business and have always find them to be just like you and me. My wife's brother was gay, again a nice guy and can't see any reason why the Russians would stop them driving.

"Find them to be just like you & me"? You sound suprised by that? I am not gay, nor do i know any gay blokes but "they" are the same as "we" just with different sexual preferences, we arent living in the dark ages folks or at least most of us arent. I'm noticing a pattern on here even after a short while here, a small minority trying to rule the roost making people frightened to post for fear of being bullied, patronised, or belittled, i cant believe what i see on here.:(
Well it's not just Russia - look at the way Uganda (in particular) persecute gay people yet the billions our government (UK, but Welsh in particular) and other countries pump into that terribly corrupt and bigoted nation is mind boggling our first minister was out there last year on a jolly and didn't have the backbone to make even a mention of their proposals to make homosexuality a capital offence.
"Find them to be just like you & me"? You sound suprised by that? I am not gay, nor do i know any gay blokes but "they" are the same as "we" just with different sexual preferences, we arent living in the dark ages folks or at least most of us arent. I'm noticing a pattern on here even after a short while here, a small minority trying to rule the roost making people frightened to post for fear of being bullied, patronised, or belittled, i cant believe what i see on here.:(

I don't see anyone trying to rule the roost and if they are I'm over 12 years old so ignore it..
Does it not help to point out and ridicule how ludicrous the currant Russian stance is?

I agree. Have a 'gay' relative (if you want to use that word to segregate this person from the rest of society) and more than one or two good mates who are 'gay'. (male and female)
They have seen my posts along with the others on this topic and found them funny as they do see the way we are trivializing and ridiculing this topic. I agree that Russia needs to move into the 21 century with the above subject (the way some Muslim based countries need to), but what are we going to do about it apart from post as we are? Perhaps Russian beekeepers are reading this post and will start to think more the way we do about it when they realise that the earth won't open up and swallow us, or that we all won't end up in Hell. Maybe they will spread that word. (thought religion was about loving ALL people, from all walks of life!)
I'm not religious and I don't claim to be righteous, but try and hurt my friends and family because their gay and see the result!
Police and medical people have an almost 'sick' sense of humour it seems to 'outsiders' but that's the only way to deal with some of the things they see in the line of duty or they wouldn't cope! Mbc is quite correct in his analogy of this subject in the way it has been handled within this thread.
You may not agree with me and that is your right, as we in this country DO still have freedom of speech, which is something that has been challenged in this thread by some people if you think about it! Who is in the right now?
I know how I come across on this forum at times, but to be honest I don't care how people judge me. I'm not afraid to stand alone and say my piece. This by the way, is made easier for me to do this in this country because, up to now, it's still a democracy of sorts with free speech as a principal right. Unless of course, like some on this forum perhaps, you which to change that and make it a place where fear and oppression rules. People have given their lives to ensure our way of life is something to be proud of in this country, are we going to waste that now? How many stood in silence to respect the war dead recently? Have you forgotten already what that silence stood for?
I suspect that some on here actually posted the way they did without thinking, in order to do the 'moral' thing and attack the words that some had written without understanding what the true meaning behind those words were. (Understandable).
Putin and his cohort merely show the world that they are afraid by acting in this way and fear like that is a sign of weakness. See I'm not so shallow afterall. LOL
Well that's my rant over for today. Next thread! Thanks for listening.:thanks::)

PS No bees flying today as it's too cold. (That's to keep the 'it's a bee forum' members happy)
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and some who do drive but have no licence

I had a uncle who quite happily drove who used to say;

'Why would I want to get a driving licence they can't take it away if I don't have one'
Oh.....by the way.....
The terms transsexual and transgender used in the article Hivemaker refers you to are nothing to do with being 'gay' [homosexual] or 'straight' [heterosexual]. They are unrelated strictly speaking. That should upset the 'righteous' on this forum!
'Gay' or 'straight' and their dictionary terms refer to "sexual attraction" and nothing to do with gender identity! :)
Freedom of speech within the law, that extra bit means quite a lot. You can freely say whatever you like in this country until it becomes a criminal offence. Not my idea of freedom of speech.
I tend to go against the trend when I am told how I am expected to behave, what I am expected to do. Please explain to me exactly why it is that I should stand in silence and why I should be vilified if I do not. It all seems a bit too controlling for me, sorry. Pavlov's dog springs to mind.
Freedom of speech within the law, that extra bit means quite a lot. You can freely say whatever you like in this country until it becomes a criminal offence. Not my idea of freedom of speech.
I tend to go against the trend when I am told how I am expected to behave, what I am expected to do. Please explain to me exactly why it is that I should stand in silence and why I should be vilified if I do not. It all seems a bit too controlling for me, sorry. Pavlov's dog springs to mind.

"Oh for the wings of any bird other than a battery hen!"
(Not mine I'm afraid, Hawkwind, "Spirit of the age"!):cool:
Perhaps you just arent aware...

Exactly Dishmop. Good point. There are many 'shades of grey' (not meant as a joke) when it comes to sexual orientation. There was a guy living in Preston, some years ago that was openly 'gay', but what very few new, was that he was an ex Royal Marine Commando. I saw him badgered one night in the pub where he worked, by two 'straight' guys and he put both of them into A and E!
So I suppose the moral of this post is, "you never know who you are talking to"! Stereotyping can be a mistake.
PS He was a really good bloke by the way!:cheers2:
Perhaps you just arent aware...

Quote Stephen Fry.

“It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so f*****g what."

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