Big bang what was before this big will never be known.
Sadly whilst it is a very good and important question, it is a somewhat meaningless/impossible question. As time started just after the "big bang" there was no "before", because there was no time. That makes my head hurt.
As for dowsing - it's a bit like homeopathy. If it works for you, feel free to use it.
Personally I am highly sceptical, having watched a dowser at a relative's farm do his thing. He claimed to never miss, and he had lots of reports from happy customers about how he found water for them. He walked around with his wires, then drilled for water. 200 feet down he found it with a "told you so" look on his face. That's hardly dowsing, it's called a water table. People don't tend to boast about failing, and if you are looking for an event, you will see it and disregard the misses.
The test Randi proposes seems fine to me. He does the mocking bit by way of entertainment, which is uncalled for, but it's his style.
His point was about "unconscious bias". The dowser "knew" where the line was (one step away) and he inadvertently raised his elbows, the rods crossed. He then said that he inspected the area thoroughly beforehand for pipes or water. Had he found water, or the signs for it (which he may well get from experience of seeing how the land lies) he would, consciously or not, cross the wires at that point.
There are several ways to test it. Get a series of fake floors. Under some put a bowl of water. Under others a pipe. Under others nothing at all. Do not tell the dowsers which is which. Have a non-dowser too. Tell the dowsers all the floors have a bucket of water underneath somewhere.
Make sure nobody knows what is under each floor, and get a third party to ask the dowsers to find the water under every floor. It is important that dowsers and the instructors do not know that some floors have no water.
If the dowsers accurately report "no water" and "water" then there is something to be investigated, and I would suggest $1million would be in sight. My guess would be all would report water under every floor, then say "well there must be a pipe or stream under the ground".
Or, why not get a "robot" - just a self levelling frame that can hold dowsing rods. Stand on the ley line (or whatever) put the rods in place - see if they cross. Move somewhere else, try again, see if they cross.
I have no issue with the ability to detect water, but if one claims to be able to do it, one should be able to do it in any circumstance, reliably, and be tested. If one claimed to drive well, I would expect the same.