Dog Poisoning Incident/Agricultural Spraying

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Midland Beek

Drone Bee
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
South Staffs
Hive Type
Okay, what the Holy **** would be a grower of oilseed rape be spraying on his crop in the last week or so that has possibly almost killed our pet dog? We are not quite yet pointing the finger, but we would like to establish what this poison might have been. Our dog is not dead, but we seem to have lost the happy little soul that she was, and quite probably forever. Not to mention the vets bill.

This stuff was recently (one week ago) sprayed onto a crop of oilseed rape that was autumn sown last year, meaning it is close to ripening/harvesting - seed pods well formed. Any ideas what it might have been.

Any other advice greatly appreciated, like arranging vets report or raising a poisoning incident with DEFRA.

And we know about blue-green algae poisoning.
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Eeek, hope the dog is OK. We had an incident a few months back where our dog played in the usual mud and water and later in the day was behaving very oddly, running about manically and scratching at carpets (not normal with this dog). Our vet seemed to think it was fertiliser leaked into the water/muddy patch at end of field.
Roundup is sprayed over a number of crops , including cereals to dessicate it before harvesting .
I doubt if this would have been the cause unless it was an allergic reaction . Its probably one of the most used chems out there .
I hope your dog soon recovers, but this is unlikely to be caused by Roundup applications (used to dessicate the OSR this year). There are a number of alternatives including fungi (some of which are toxic) and plants, which a dog may have eaten.

There is also the possibility of deliberate poisoning or accidental (i.e. picking up rat poison or a poisoned rat/mouse).

Hope your dog makes a full recovery.
I hope your poor dog gets well again.

My fence is right on the back of OSR and i have 6 German Shepherds who sleep and play right next to it, on a daily basis and they are ok and they never have been bothered by any spraying done up there.

Dogs have a tendency to eat/chew everything that they are not meant to just to see if its edible. You may want to look for other things that may be the cause.
We are not quite yet pointing the finger, but we would like to establish what this poison might have been. Our dog is not dead, but we seem to have lost the happy little soul that she was, and quite probably forever. Not to mention the vets bill.
If it was the spray, it would have affected any wildlife that it hit, there would be dead birds or anything else that was in the area. Not to mention the danger to any operator who was using it. Any spray that could have that result is unlikely to be a regular licensed product. Why do you think it was whatever was sprayed on the crop, was there anything other than the timing? Were you or other animals affected in the same way?

There have been incidents of illegal poisons being used on bait intended for birds or prey and other predators. Any commercial shoots on the land? I'm not saying it's the case here but incidents have tended to be around this time of year before thousands of young captive bred birds are released and vulnerable to predators.

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