Does anyone else do Christmas gifts

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Drone Bee
Jul 23, 2013
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East Midlands
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some + a few more
Just wondered if anyone ese was as pee'd off as me by having to put together boxes of Christmas gift sets etc. Doing my nut in already.
Do I do Christmas gifts? Yes, my family tend to get a bit miffed if I give them nothing.

More seriously... In terms of hive stuff I temd to give the odd jar or two to people. It's that or spend the money it's worth on some sort of unneeded tat.
Kids and grandkids get money
I gave up on the honey when my best got slathered over a gammon joint. The effort I put into it is taken for granted.
One of the steps always sends me scented paraffin wax candles 😱😱
Radiographers, surgeon, oncologist and nurses get decent booze and I pull the stops out for honey and candle boxes.
Packaging honey to SELL as Christmas gifts is a lot of work. A friend does beautiful parcels with clear, soft set, and comb honey, a stirrer, candles, and some other things. But the small jars, the extra labels, and the clear front bags for the smaller packages (she paid £120 for a batch from France) means a serious commitment and a market stall.

The thread on market stalls here was very helpful, though I don't think any of this is for me.
Lovely. Any booze to go with the glasses? Honey ale perhaps?
We have ademijohn of mead popping away, thought we'd have a bit of fun and see how it turns out, we used the honey that had crystallised quicker than the other jars we have. Not to give away mind you, probably end up down the drain!!!!!
I must be out on a limb here. Joke gift to one son, cash to the other and to grandchildren. No gifts to friends or other family. Five jars of honey to village Christmas fair. Hard put to think of a pressie for SWMBO so have bought her a pair of multi-purpose scissors akin to a Swiss Army knife. She might not be impressed with this kitchen gadget - I remember my mother's disdain when my father gifted her two bars of ordinary soap purchased with (post-war rationing) coupons......
I must be out on a limb here. Joke gift to one son, cash to the other and to grandchildren. No gifts to friends or other family. Five jars of honey to village Christmas fair. Hard put to think of a pressie for SWMBO so have bought her a pair of multi-purpose scissors akin to a Swiss Army knife. She might not be impressed with this kitchen gadget - I remember my mother's disdain when my father gifted her two bars of ordinary soap purchased with (post-war rationing) coupons......
I'd buy yourself a tin hat and a stab vest if I was you ....

I once bought 'er indoors a new lid for the top loading Hotpoint washing machine as she had been moaning for months that the lid had deteriorated to the point where it annoyed her every time she went near it ... 40 odd years on ... the event STILL rears it's ugly head at some point whenever presents are being exchanged.
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I'd buy yourself a tin hat and a stab vest if I was you ....

I once bought 'er indoors a new lid for the top loading Hotpoint washing machine as she had been moaning for months that the lid had deteriorated to the point where it annoyed her every time she went near it ... 40 years on ... the event STILL rears it's ugly head at some point whenever presents are being exchanged.
Aaaargh! What she wanted was a new machine. But not for Christmas 😂😂
Yes ... back in those days, only 10 years in to marriage I was not well versed in mind reading ... I'm not a lot improved these days !

If you don't ask clearly for what you want then you can't complain if you don't get it, is my opinion. I'm not a mind reader and don't pretend to be one. Sometimes I'm not even sure what I'm thinking.

This year is my first year of having enough honey (and wax) to think that I might not sell it all so I've put together some gift boxes to sell as a made- to- order pick and mix, just in my village. In my over- enthusiasm I've also signed up for a christmas fair bit now concerned that I may have over- committed (how much stuff do I need to make to take to the fair, what else needs to go on the stall, how do I dress it up etc etc). One of life's over- thinkers 😂😂

But still new enough to thoroughly enjoy putting the boxes together 😃


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Kaz that looks beautiful. How much are you charging for that?
For me I would take the polish and wood conditioner out for sale at a fair.
I'm taking honey and candles...that's all. I might take the cut comb but I'm not hopeful that anybody will buy any.
If I sell out I will be very pleased and go home
PS. my soft set has frosted like yours. It's a perennial problem for me. I'm putting mine in the warmer to just warm it through without melting. It usually goes away if I do that
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This year is my first year of having enough honey (and wax) to think that I might not sell it all so I've put together some gift boxes to sell as a made- to- order pick and mix, just in my village. In my over- enthusiasm I've also signed up for a christmas fair bit now concerned that I may have over- committed (how much stuff do I need to make to take to the fair, what else needs to go on the stall, how do I dress it up etc etc). One of life's over- thinkers 😂😂

But still new enough to thoroughly enjoy putting the boxes together 😃
I share your feelings! Last night I wondered why on earth I have signed up to having a stall. The house is a mess, every surface is covered in bee stuff, candles, jars of honey. Total chaos!
PS. my soft set has frosted like yours. It's a perennial problem for me. I'm putting mine in the warmer to just warm it through without melting. It usually goes away if I do that
What sort of temperature and for how long Dani?
I share your feelings! Last night I wondered why on earth I have signed up to having a stall. The house is a mess, every surface is covered in bee stuff, candles, jars of honey. Total chaos!
Exactly, and now my friend who was gonna help has bailed on me and my hubby looked like a rabbit in the headlights when I told him he'd have to help instead of playing golf. No idea what to expect, my fallback plan if I run out is to take orders and deliver the next week. Feeling the pressure though 😬😂😂