Midland Beek
Drone Bee
Beek removes all the honey. Bees starve. Not rocket science.
Beek removes all the honey. Bees starve. Not rocket science.
Sorry to read about this, we had a similar problem last December (2009) had the food too far away from the cluster. Really sorry to loose that hive and it was a shock (even though that night it went down to -7'c and the whole week was under -3'c. The previous week we had seen some flying and form the overwintering succesful ones... (day temp was +12 (which in January was odd then the following week all snow broke loose...)
Possible but statistically unlikely.
The clues are all consistent with starvation - torpid bees, large number of dead bees, and no remaining stores. Bees with heads in cells would confirm it.
I have seen over 1 litre go in 90 minutes...I'm constantly amazed how fast they can empty a feeder, even when the weather is good and they are out foraging.
I used this Apilife Var on two hives recently. After the first treatment both hives had bees gathering outside the entrance fairly soon and the bees in the first hive started to fight between themselves - about 20 dead bees. Both hives after 48 hours had thrown out at least one of the four pieces onto the landing board. Hive 1 had 3 pieces out in four days. After the second treatment, the first hives reaction was the same and the second hive had no reaction. I put in the third treatment in exactly the same manner and then went out for just over a hour , when i came back there were 100 or so dead bees on the floor from hive one and they had clustered - the size of a bunch of grapes on the top of the hive. at the entrance mass murder was taking place - they were fighting and killing each other and the body count was mounting up. I rang a few bee friends for advice as it was getting dark and it was a chilly night. To cut a long story short, i got a friend to come around early the next morning and we lifted the super up and i took away the Apilife Var pieces from the brood box. The bees that had clustered at the top of the hive were stil there but smaller as alot had died and there were about 1000+ dead bees on the floor - an awful sight. Within 12 hours and taking the Apilife Var out the hive was back to normal. The bees in this hive are usually very gentle and most time i don't need to smoke them when inspecting the hive and they have never stung me so this reaction to the treatment was very upsetting to see. If i had put the treatment in earlier in the day, say in the afternoon, i believe the body count would have been even worse and the bees may have absconded to get away from the thymol smell as they were hanging outside the entrance killing each other and clustered on the top of the hive. I am so sorry to hear of your loss.