Cutting Off a Queens Mandibles

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I'm glad you edited it Finman I thought you were getting a bit kinky.;)

He is a dirty old man at times, here is a picture of owld finny watching the Australian woman's beach volly ball team during the Rio Olympics.

Just been thinking if i cut my lady friends mandibles of. does that mean i can keep more than one :spy:

Let's hope she doesn't pop into this forum or I'd be more concerned about what she might think of removing!!
He is a dirty old man at times, here is a picture of owld finny watching the Australian woman's beach volly ball team during the Rio ]

A looser by the mercy of God.... Mr mandible cutter....
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He is a dirty old man at times, here is a picture of owld finny watching the Australian woman's beach volly ball team during the Rio Olympics.


You think that it is dirty to watch beautifull women from TV. Not in my country.
Do your girlfriend must have burka because her jaws are broken.. And suddenly it is my fault...

Oh man... You have had a hard youth. Gashhhh...
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