Current spring plan

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House Bee
Nov 25, 2017
Reaction score
Northern ireland
Hive Type
Number of Hives
So currently i have 2 identical wooden national hives as well as a second hand national hive but only one has a set of bees in it.

I also have a poly nuc that i bought last year and in hindsight should have wintered the bees in.

I also have 2 bait nucs that i made myself to try and catch a swarm.

The current plan is to put out the bait hives with a lure and some old comb in it in about a months time.

And i am considering changing my hive into the poly nuc the first suitable day i get to help them to build up quicker. I also seen a 2/3 frame hive which i had considered making to try and build a nuc up slowly. By the end of the year i hope to have 2 hives of bees and hopefully a nuc as well going into the winter and all being well some honey.

Any advice on any of this
Just wondering but why do you want to change your hive into a poly nuc..if they where in a poly hive this would not need doing..more faff than it is worth IMO ..lets say you put them in the Nuc soon..and once they have supposedly built up to your expectations you then move them again into a full size does not seem practical to me but hey ho here we go..good luck by the way...;)
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It will depend on how well they have over wintered and how many bees on frames etc. If they come out strong then there is less need. If however they are not doing so well then i felt that it would help them grow in numbers faster
As another newb,I'm wondering if there is the use for dummy frames in the full size box then remove them gradually as the colony expands?

That is what I do : If the colony is weak...
BUT with rapid spring build up you MUST check weekly.
Make some insulated dummy frames and use them to help keep the colony cosy and of course a good thick bit of insulation on top of the crown board.

Warmth is the trick.

As another newb,I'm wondering if there is the use for dummy frames in the full size box then remove them gradually as the colony expands?

If the colony comes out of winter that week... put them in a polly nuc and feed... feed... feed... even splash out on some Candipol with added pollen/snake oil/ essential amino acids etc etc....... once on 6 frames... put them in a full sized box!

Your bees... do as you think best
Make some insulated dummy frames and use them to help keep the colony cosy and of course a good thick bit of insulation on top of the crown board.


Whats a good way of making decent dummy boards either side? If you already have plenty of full comb frames and the cluster is staying in the middle of the box don't those frames give you the "natural" insulation they need? Or do combs attract potential "un-clustering" where as of course dummy boards self limit the small colony?
Use some kingspan/cellotex 100m insulation and protect the exposed surfaces with aluminium tape. Each dummy replaces 3 Hoffman frames.
Dummy down BB with 3 F dummy.jpg

dummy down bb with two 3 frame dummies.jpg

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