My half disabled mother has her ASDA shopping delivered..she ordered the usual things for today including toilet rolls..when the delivery come no toilet rolls in the trays..she asked why the answer was we have sold out..thousands of nut jobs are panic buying in and around my town and it is not even here yet also the price of alcohol handwash has doubled in could not make this up..pathetic if you ask me thousands more people die of other things every year than something similar to a flu virus..
This may interest some, it is about the 1918 Spanish 'flu pandemic.
Despite the name originated in the states, crossed species from a duck to an American GI.
If you watch the clip (worth it by the way),It clearly states the pandemic started in the US and how. It was became known as Spanish 'flu because the information about it was censored here and in other allied and axis countries, because the authorities did not want to demoralise their populations during the war. Spain was neutral so had no censorship applied and so published information about it.
Does anyone have a rational explanation, other than bog roll is cheaper than tissues...
Read a report today from someone in Italy connected to hospitals who pointed out that their hospitals are overwhelmed with patients. Therefore, since the elderly (especially those with other health issues) are most likely to die anyway, they no longer give respirators to those over 60!
Let us hope the NHS does not follow suit.
I can see the attraction for the government: no pensions to pay and no future healthcare needed...
No-one has any immunity to Covid-19 as no-one has had it before, As it affects the lungs, teh elderly with other issues are vulnerable. There is an OAP home in teh US where about half the paitients have tested poistive and 19 died already..
The major difference is that Covid-19 is very infective so it spreads very quickly - even from people with no symptoms.
It is estimated 8-9% of all over 65s are at risk of death if infected.
We have 11.8M million over 65s in the UK
That is 1 Million possible deaths.
(not all will be affected of course.. so 1 million will never happen.)
(Italy has the oldest population in Europe and they are very tactile.. hence the high death rates..)
Comparisons with influenza
Influenza kills 40-70,000 a year..
The US is out of control- not enough testing and no political will
If it becomes endemic - like influenza -next winter could be a LOT worse.
If you can't get any hand sanitizer it is easy to make up...just mix by volumn one part of aloe vera hand gel with two parts of isopropil alcohol. If you can get the aloe vera gel with added tea tree oil better still..My daughter is a nurse, occ health, and they have been advised to make up this if the normal sanitizer becomes unavailable..
'I've read a few different reports, some from doctors and nurses on the front lines. The most harrowing thing I've read is sort of waht you are touching on; the lack of actual ventilators in ICU's, medical staff are having to choose who to let die in the corridors basically and give the ventilators to the young who have more years ahead of them.'
The vast majority of younger people survive anyway, so no need for ventilators for them.
When people apply to attend a new GP surgery they have to fill out a form which includes: Title and occupation. This not just for genuine medical reasons, but to see if they need to be treated with respect by the GP and whether they are worth spending money on. For example, if they have a PhD then they receive respect, but if they are not working for any reason they are deemed to be of low priority for receipt of healthcare. This is because they are not providing an income for government. They are just a burden in the eyes of the State. The GP role is to deny access to healthcare not to provide it (unless it is inexpensive).
Just watch for the lumps of Aloe Vera that don't dissolve in the isopropanol.....
Tried it...
The vast majority of younger people survive anyway, so no need for ventilators for them.
When people apply to attend a new GP surgery they have to fill out a form which includes: Title and occupation. This not just for genuine medical reasons, but to see if they need to be treated with respect by the GP and whether they are worth spending money on. For example, if they have a PhD then they receive respect, but if they are not working for any reason they are deemed to be of low priority for receipt of healthcare. This is because they are not providing an income for government. They are just a burden in the eyes of the State. The GP role is to deny access to healthcare not to provide it (unless it is inexpensive).
When you get to Italys situation which is approx 2 weeks away from here and you mix in an already overstretched NHS who's ICU's occupancy rate is already something like 90-98% this time of the year it could be a disaster unless the goverment starts quarantining soon.
'I've read a few different reports, some from doctors and nurses on the front lines. The most harrowing thing I've read is sort of waht you are touching on; the lack of actual ventilators in ICU's, medical staff are having to choose who to let die in the corridors basically and give the ventilators to the young who have more years ahead of them.'
The vast majority of younger people survive anyway, so no need for ventilators for them.
When people apply to attend a new GP surgery they have to fill out a form which includes: Title and occupation. This not just for genuine medical reasons, but to see if they need to be treated with respect by the GP and whether they are worth spending money on. For example, if they have a PhD then they receive respect, but if they are not working for any reason they are deemed to be of low priority for receipt of healthcare. This is because they are not providing an income for government. They are just a burden in the eyes of the State. The GP role is to deny access to healthcare not to provide it (unless it is inexpensive).
Even if we have enough ventilators (and we have not.. we will need thousands)
we will need thousands of beds free (which we can make by stopping operations except for critical ones)
we don't have enough trained staff..
The NHS has to set some priorities...and whilst I don't want to die early - far better to save someone with 50 years of productive life ahead than an old duffer like me with 20 years of declining health and dementia to look forward to.
So I am determined NOT to catch it...if I can...and live to 110...
I'll go to Beetradex with a PP3mask
(courtesy of OA)
Gel. Use AV gel