I think it would be better if us humans were extinct at least the planet could evolve naturally the way it should. We can not just leave things alone a finger in everywhere. It will utimately mean self destruction in a very short evolutionary time scale, unfortunately we will take everthing else with us.....
The vibes I got from the Bayer speaker was, we dont really care maybe it would be better for our company if bees where extinct then we could control some more... and develope more insecticides etc etc higher share prices more government investment until there is nothing left to spray and all we will have to eat is supplement pills.
Don't worry it may not be in our life time but it will come...
We cannot envolve as a spicies anymore as there is quite alot of preservation of sick people allowed to continually spread defective genes around to cause more sickness and suffering and more humans to experiment on with medical products.
The sooner we are destroyed as a resident species here the better for ourselves and everthing else, just take a look around you and see what we have done and how systematically we are destroying it.
Busy Bee