I'm so new I don't even have any bees - yet. Nor do I have any comb of course. There are plenty of bees around us so I was wondering about putting a nuc out with lemongrass oil on frames with foundation. It probably won't work but you never know.
In reference to the above, you do know its considered very unfriendly to place bait hives close to other beekeepers bees?
I have seen that go VERY badly, with the bait hives being set fire to by the irate owner of the hives, and once I had a couple of empties left in a place unaware that another beekeeper had placed six hives on the other side of a strip wood............he was out walking and saw my two empties (load was full, was coming back for them later) and destroyed them by smashing them up, leaving the wreckage and a 'loving note' scrawled on the metal of a broken roof.
So, the ethical thing to do at first is buy a nucleus, so you have bees yourself and cannot stand accused of wanting to get someone elses for nothing.
However.......it *IS* nice when a prime swarm arrives and sets up home with you and you have no idea where it came from (or wont admit you know), even on my scale....lol
Sometimes it can be very odd........we run a parallel colour code for queens of origins we don't want to be unaware of when doing examinations.........it goes purple, silver, orange, pink, gold. We sometimes use these on sold queens. Was very pleasant, if a tad embarrassing, when we got three incoming swarms with orange queens in them. A guy I sold a stack to the year before had an apiary he dropped off within half a mile of our honeyhouse. Poetic justice.