Cleaning frame

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House Bee
Oct 30, 2010
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Long time no speak. As some of you know I got a second hand hive and scorched and tried to get wax and propilis of. At the minute I am soaking in solution of water and washing soda. Was wondering is it vital to get all the propolis off?


Long time no speak. As some of you know I got a second hand hive and scorched and tried to get wax and propilis of. At the minute I am soaking in solution of water and washing soda. Was wondering is it vital to get all the propolis off?


are you talking frames, or the hive?
Hi tonybloke i suppose frames and hive.

Not vital no.

If you use a 5% caustic solution then you will find things a bit easier, esp at a reasonably warm temperature, say 75C.

Thats grand thanks. Hopefully I have done enough then.

Should the cleaning medium be Washing Soda - as Stephen states -or Caustic (Soda) as Polyhive suggests ? I don't think they are the same.
Caustic soda is just so much more active. The pH is far higher tha washing soda

Think oven cleaner here. The main downside of caustic soda is that it is that much more dangerous in the wrong hands, particularly when hot.

With regards to propolis. If you are not going to remove it or not going to heat sterilise it, any disease spores could still be there.

Scrape and scorch, or boil in caustic is the way I go.

Caustic soda will slowly change into washing soda, as it reacts with carbon dioxide from the air.

I think my next lot may be caustic potash as the finished washings waste can eventually be used as a garden fertiliser. More expensive but used twice!

Does anyone else wack frames into the oven for a bit at about 230 degrees c? This seems to solve propolis and wax in gaps problem, just let the oven cool before opening unles you like a serious pine fresh in your house.

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