Cholesterol advice,any Doctors in the house?

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I was diagnosed high cholesterol this time last year. Only just over. Doctor said they had just moved the goal posts otherwise I would have been Ok. Gave me 6 months to get it down. Managed to get it lower so she gave me another 6 months and am due to go again about now. Cant seem to get around to making an appointment.:spy:
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i'm on simvastatin and clopidogrel for the rest of my life now.

My doc took me off clopadogrel and put me on aspirin instead. No he insisted, clopadogrel doesn't work after 12 months . A likely story !
As I also suffer from Barrets oesophagus I wasn't even given aspirin when I had a heart attack and cautioned never to take aspirin .
My doc said " ah! But these are only a small dose ,75mil and are enteric coated so there! "
Nowt to do with the cost !

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There are side effects, but more importantly, do you want to be on a pill for the rest of your life. Even if you are pre-disposed to higher levels of cholesterol, diet must be the way to go. It may not mean changing much, just adding something or swapping one thing for another.
If a doctor says he can cure you with a pill for the rest of your life, he's lying. He's treating the symptom, not the cause.
I would imagine that a lot of people might think that because they are on medication that the problem is under control and dont bother with their diet.
I like all the things that I guess are not good for me. Eggs, cheese, butter, chocolate..
I'm a "lightweight" person. Still the same weight as 50 years ago.
So is husband, ex fell runner and mountain rescue. He can eat anything and stay thin :( but his cholesterol is high….he won't listen to me
There are side effects, but more importantly, do you want to be on a pill for the rest of your life. Even if you are pre-disposed to higher levels of cholesterol, diet must be the way to go. It may not mean changing much, just adding something or swapping one thing for another.

If a doctor says he can cure you with a pill for the rest of your life, he's lying. He's treating the symptom, not the cause.

Some people are predisposed to having high cholesterol , diet alone will not lower this by much
Having said that, cholesterol is required ,even the 'bad cholesterol ' for brain function .
The certain truth is, medicine is far, far from being an exact science as history has proved over and over!

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I dont take too much notice of what is good or bad for me.
People are all different.
Some are constantly weighing everything they eat......I eat whatever I want and it makes no difference.
If I get ill, I have to force myself to eat because if I loose any weight I feel worse and I have a hell of a job to put it back on.
My thoughts on a diet........just dont eat so much.

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