Cholesterol advice,any Doctors in the house?

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found i devloped a known side effect o f memory loss...stopped them and stopped eating cheese and cut down alcohol
Was it a conscious decision to cut down on the cheese and alcohol - or did you just forget where the fridge was? :biggrinjester:
but had problems with 40mg of simvastatin with neck and calf muscle pain, it just crept up on me after over two years on them
I think you have just solved my problem as I am getting calf pain like cramp and a stiffness in my neck I thought it was my job
A visit to the doc me thinks
Was it a conscious decision to cut down on the cheese and alcohol - or did you just forget where the fridge was? :biggrinjester:

I couldn't afford both new hives and new clothes as since retiring I had put on two stone so I had two incentives...lower cholesterol and save money..but i luv cheese, i was bought up on a dairy farm and in winter we made wonderful cheeses
Out of interest how many of these cholesterol test did you doctors do after a 12hr fasting? to get an accurate reading this I was told is the only way to do it as any food before test can alter reading
I think you have just solved my problem as I am getting calf pain like cramp and a stiffness in my neck I thought it was my job
A visit to the doc me thinks

Been to the cholesterol clinic today and they are now changing my tablets as the cramp in my calfs is getting worse along with aching shoulders. These are recognised side effects with some statins.
My OH is diabetic and on statins. The GP wanted to increase the dose but she tried the Benecol type drinks regularly and this brought her level down without increasing the medication. Worth trying if your doc agrees.
My OH is diabetic and on statins. The GP wanted to increase the dose but she tried the Benecol type drinks regularly and this brought her level down without increasing the medication. Worth trying if your doc agrees.

i am taking the benecol drinks too every morning as well as heavy feeding of porridge,also on resveratrol from the health shop,not sure if they work or not but giving them a go, every body i nearly talk to who are on statins seem to get bad side effects.
Been to the cholesterol clinic today and they are now changing my tablets as the cramp in my calfs is getting worse along with aching shoulders. These are recognised side effects with some statins.

Perhaps I could get a new job giving medical advice, LOL

It really crept up so slowly , the odd cold draught, windows left open at night, cold muscle, stiff neck , calf strain on long walk, sitting in one position, after about a month coming off, all the cramps cold muscle had gone, i almost danced down the street

Hope you improve as I did
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MM are you taking any statins now ?

i have them prescribed "liptor" which is atorvastatin but that's now under review by the GP as i have been dieting and lost two stone in weight ( and reduced my Alchohol intake), but he is worried my blood sugar has risen which is a side effect of Liptor...they are all bl$$dy poisons

so beginning a three month trial without them once the current prescription runs out but have to get my BMI down below 25
That's the ones they have put me on now. Got a three month trial on a 10 mg dose. Then if no side effects they will up the dose till my bloods are at a reasonable level.
reading this has made my mind up..never getting it checked :)
That's the ones they have put me on now. Got a three month trial on a 10 mg dose. Then if no side effects they will up the dose till my bloods are at a reasonable level.

They are good but get some prunes in...LOL, that's the only other effect I had,
i'm on simvastatin and clopidogrel for the rest of my life now.
"Out of interest how many of these cholesterol test did you doctors do after a 12hr fasting?"

They shouldn't be doing any (or intending to do any) without the fast. obviously they can't control for stupid patients who don't understand that no breakfast also includes not drinking a pint of fat before visiting the surgery.
they give you statins now for stroke treatment regardless on your cholesterol level
When I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes I was instantly put on statins regardless of the fact that my cholesterol levels were way down and the ratio of 'good to bad' was what my GP would be pleased to achieve after medication.

It is 'standard' practice to prescribe statins for type 2 diabetes!!

After 3 days and 2 nights of nosebleeds I stopped taking them and am no longer on statins.

hey all, with what i was reading about the side effects of statins i decided not to take them and instead changed my diet slightly, i now take porridge most mornings, along with benecol drinks and resveratrol from my local health shop, my cholesterol last may was 7.5 and now i have it down to 5.5,doctor said i dont need statins now at this level.

Thats great news
A hand full of walnuts after dinner also help,
Keep up the good work

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