Rab wrote that bees consume the food often from one side more. That is true but invalid in winter feeding.
I agree. The thread was, by then, discussing weighing methods. Newbies and those that don't think, would blindly follow the hype - and likely get it wrong.
Only small, weak colonies will not load stores into the hive fairly evenly and they are likely the ones to succumb later in the winter. Their demise being blamed on anything other than being under-sized in the first place.
There is a whole picture to be looked at, not single isolated items in a very defined context. Too many worrying about removing the roof and crownboard for a few seconds at this time of the the year; then interfering with the colonies in the depths of winter when they should be left alone, undisturbed.
Hefting = minimum disturbance. That is why we heft in the later winter period. Simple, really. KISS principle in operation again.
No thought, no gain (may be too deep for some to understand where that one comes from - think of the usual maxim). Ouch?