Cell punch method-errrrr!

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A year ago I read that the nurser hive should be 3 days queenless, the make the grafting. Indeed, this year I followed what happens in the hive. On third day the hive made queen cells. I grafted on third day and I got 20 virgins.
Finnie my sweet little snowperson....:icon_204-2:
Eggs laid on day 0
Hatch into larvae on day 3
grafted day 5


If egg stage is 3 days, how can
it hatch on day 3?

My sweet Ican. That makes no sense. I have grafted 53 years larvae, and I never have counted anything. I move so small larva as I can see. And I move it with DIY wooden native wood stick.
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A year ago I read that the nurser hive should be 3 days queenless, the make the grafting. Indeed, this year I followed what happens in the hive. On third day the hive made queen cells. I grafted on third day and I got 20 virgins.
Finnie my sweet little snowperson...

I knew a chap from Inverness who raised 24 Virgins... 24 hours later all were mated!

Yeghes da
They are saying three days an egg and move the subsequent larvae on day four. Simple.

Olivia if you are moving larvae which are bigger than this: "c" it is too big and actually I prefer them smaller.

I know a chap, whose queens were never virgins. They emerged as mated.

Take no notice of him, Finnie my lovely, he's making a reference to a rather rude rugby song about The Ball of Kerrymuir (google it) but if you reply. remember this is a family friendly forum.

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