Every small detail would not be included in a reply between experienced(?) beeks who were simply comparing their own personal preference of their method of increase or queen rearing. Unfortunately the blind beginners simply follow what is there with no real knowledge of the real details of the method chosen. That is often where the fault lies. With the beginner for doing naff-all but follow someone elses conversation. There is no substitute for reading up on the subject where the text has been made Id**t proof for everyone who reads it.
If this appears to knock the beginners, tough. It will sort out those who need to take careful note and act on it, and those who will be able to agree because that is exactly the way they have gone about learning - they are the most intersted ones, and will succed where the others will not. They will be the ones still keeping bees long after the non-readers have given up. Good of those and the best wishes for a long and satisfying career in beekeeping, hobby, productive or whatever.
Regards, RAB