I have a good Heinz variety mix of bees. They survive the winter, they appear healthy, most are well behaved, fun to keep, they make lots of bees and honey. This is what I want.
sure, pure bred bees 'might' be nice, but adding a potential foreign unsavoury gene or lurgies into a population of bees is not welcome. You not only affect your bees, but your neighbouring bees, and further.
The point is, it is easy to see how quickly and how far varroa spread regardless of where it arrived. It arrived on the backs of imported bees. This 'should' have been a lesson learnt too late.
Unfortunately, people still want to import bees, and heaven knows what disease, parasite, or bad gene is waiting to be discovered and will arrive on our shores mucking up our bees even further.
This references a collection of papers suggesting how little we know about CCD:-
http://www.beeculture.com/content/c...byn m. underwood and dennis vanengelsdorp.pdf
I am all for research into bee improvement to try and help resist diseases and bugs if done properly. Regular beekeepers offer a Russian roulette approach which I strongly do not agree with.