I am wanting to make comb Honey how do they perform. What bee do most use for comb production*
This is worth looking at
I am wanting to make comb Honey how do they perform. What bee do most use for comb production*
ii just use my British Black mongrels not true Apis mellifera Mellifera the british black bee but they fill the manley frames from a starter strip where as some of my brown italians cap it too early to fill the width of my frame
Do all the frames have starter strips or do you alternate with thin foundation?
I am wanting to make comb Honey how do they perform. What bee do most use for comb production*
I'm not clear what this has to do with Carniolans. Surely, any strong colony will produce comb honey. Was there some particular reason for asking the question the way you did? Do you have Carniolans?
All apis melifera will produce comb honey, that's just what bees do but if you want pale(white) wax, AMM are renowned for producing this. Draw back is they are also renowned for their defensiveness.
IMHO no one strain has all the qualities, you just need to find what suits you and what works best
Defensiveness! Chased, not followed, over two fields. Scared the beejaysus out of me.
We parted company. I was obviously not experienced enough to look after the darlings.
Defensiveness! Chased, not followed, over two fields. Scared the beejaysus out of me.
We parted company. I was obviously not experienced enough to look after the darlings.