Canoeing the Wye

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Drone Bee
Mar 24, 2013
Reaction score
north staffordshire
Hive Type
Number of Hives
150+ nucs and hives
Watched ITV's Countryfile rip off last night about canoeing on the Wye. I've canoed and kayaked both the Wye and Usk (as per the access agreement) and lovely they are. Did think the item would be more amusing and accurate if it featured an angler shouting 'f+@$ off' to the young lady :D
Was this the series which recently did a piece on caving in Ogof Ffynnon Ddu? If so, can anyone recall which episode, please? Ta
Watched ITV's Countryfile rip off last night about canoeing on the Wye. I've canoed and kayaked both the Wye and Usk (as per the access agreement) and lovely they are. Did think the item would be more amusing and accurate if it featured an angler shouting 'f+@$ off' to the young lady :D

...............or canoests trespassing and damaging property to get to the river - paddling in waters where they have no right to be, disturbing salmon redds in breach of the Salmon and Freshwater fisheries act?
Yep the same thing happens here. They are allowed the tidal stretch of river and that's it

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..............- paddling in waters where they have no right to be, disturbing salmon redds in breach of the Salmon and Freshwater fisheries act?

They will probably come up with some brain wave of introducing grizzly bears near to that stretch of river next.
They will probably come up with some brain wave of introducing grizzly bears near to that stretch of river next.

Don't worry, I have a calibre that can deal with that :D
They're already whittering on about introducing beavers, so nothing would surprise me.

It's funny how all these people have these great ideas on what to do on somebody else's land but would be up in arms if I decided to pitch a tent on their neatly manicured lawn and had a barbecue.
...............or canoests trespassing and damaging property to get to the river - paddling in waters where they have no right to be, disturbing salmon redds in breach of the Salmon and Freshwater fisheries act?

:calmdown: Alright JBM put your handbag down, just amusing myself :biggrinjester:
Rivers are there for everyone, same as fish.
Rivers are there for everyone, same as fish.


As usual it's a small minority from both sides of the divide that spoil it for the majority

Bit like this forum :)
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