Can I use diluted bleach to sterilise old comb?

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"I found mouse droppings in there so just want to sterilise before I give them back to the hive"

plenty of hives will have had mice droppings (and, of course, mice) in them over winter.

bees'll do all the sterilisation you need - a coating of fresh propolis and Robert is your proverbial. No need to make extra work for yourself.
There's an article by Ken Basterfield on using acetic in the October 2013 BBKA news (pdf in members area on website). Useful precaution against Nosema, wax moth, chalkbrood - not EFB despite claims elsewhere. Ignore the counter a couple of months later that confuses glacial and 80%.

80% acetic is available from the usual bee supplies sources, although may be cheapest in litre quanties from soap making suppliers.

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