blue tooth question

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hedgerow pete

Queen Bee
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
UK, Birmingham, Sandwell. Pork scratching Bandit c
Hive Type
as ever i am still a slight century behind the times and its no exception today.

i am looking at buying a blue tooth motorcycle helmet and a better sat nav with blue tooth.
Am i correct in thinking that the two will find each over and work correctly or will i have to feed it via my phone ??

i take it i will have some form of power in the crash hat that will want recharging??

just checking as the money for the two is quite large
Hi HP, not sure about power and connection requirements but assume will be hard wired for power at some point. Have you googled?

Worst days work was when I fitted intercom to my bike ended up with Satnag, now I just turn vol down and nod occassionally.
The helmet will probably have batteries. I have a handsfree thing in my car which talks to my mobile phone using bluetooth. There is a setting up procedure so the two are "paired" and once this has been done they will find each other quickly once they are turned on. I guess the GPS will do the same. The batteries on the handsfree thing last a long time and are rechargebable from the car fag lighter.

I have had problems with bluetooth in the past but I think those days are gone - there were slightly different standards being used and a degree of non-compatability. Things seem better now.
As RT says make sure they can be paired.
My car has bluetooth facility but it won't pair with my new mobile.
Something about the car's bluetooth (6 years old) being incompatible with one in the 'phone (6 months old).
which system are you getting HP?

is it the tomtom rider and scala headset?

my mate has that setup, the tomtom mount charges the satnav, and the scala unit is rechargeable. it is fair to say that the battery on the headset lasts a very long time - we did an 'iron butt' ride last year (1000 miles in 24 hours), plus a couple of hundred to the start line and another couple of hundred miles home afterwards. the battery in the headset lasted fine for the entire weekend.

as for pairing, I believe that it's just a case of the first time you switch it on it takes a little bit of fiddling and button pressing, but after that they pair automatically.
sat nav wise i was thinking of the tom tom and a standard built in blue tooth head set helmet as i hate having ear pieces in my ears inside the helmet as they seem to be very painfull after ten minutes.

but several people i know have had issues with getting things joined up with blue tooth its not as easy as the shops selling the stuff makes out.

alot of it is just simple flying in and around city centre stuff, the main routes i normaly have a good idea where i am going and just need pointing in the right direction some times.

problem is sat nav is £120 and the helemt is £250 which makes it a very big misstake if they dont work, i was going to get the helmet first then the sat nav to fit it afterwards
[ame=""]the tomtom rider and scala headset are available on Amazon[/ame] for £305 which is the chapest I've seen, so unless you really need a new helmet then you could be saving yourself a few quid.


the chunky bit of the scala sits on the outside of your lid and has a couple of buttons for volume and stuff, the speaker(s?) are the flat type that fit quite nicely behind the lining, in the ear recesses in your helmet's foam so you never know that they are there.

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