Best treatment for sting swelling?

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Anyone else tried Ammonia?

I have an "Afterbite" pen that I find surprisingly efficacious when applied promptly to the site of the sting.

It appears to be 3.5% ammonia and not a lot else. Since there is not that much acid in a bee sting I can only assume that it is denaturing the melitin.

At the moment I am working just in a bee suit over a pair of shorts. So I am getting stung when I bend down and trap their feet in the weave of my bee suit - the point being that the whole sting does not stay in me!

So stings are the white ring with the red centre rather than anything worse. But, I find that after an hour I cannot see where I have been stung at all.

Not sure it is much help if you are stung on the eye or lip, but elsewhere it could be a useful quick bit of extra help.

Cannot say I am impressed by Anthisan, I used to find the Wasp-Eze ointment much better, but it seems to be off the market
I have an "Afterbite" pen that I find surprisingly efficacious when applied promptly to the site of the sting.

It appears to be 3.5% ammonia and not a lot else. Since there is not that much acid in a bee sting I can only assume that it is denaturing the melitin
:iagree: I tried Afterbite on bee stings for the first time this year, and was surprised at how effective it is.


I've read somewhere that the glycerin dries the area reducing the venom's action -not sure if that's correct but it certianly seems to work. I suspect the pH probably has an effect on the venom too and the mint smell probably masks any sting pheromones.

I also use an Aspivenin to drawn out what I can at the time, tried a "Ben's Insect Poison Extractor" too which is a lot cheaper than an aspivenin but it's useless.
OTC hydrocortisone should not be use on the face and never on acne.

I use E45 hydrocortisone cream from chemist, works well if applied quickly. It does say not to apply to face but have used it there but don't recommend

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Picked this sting up on Thursday night after inspecting our hives, we have re-queened all our hive with 'Buckfast' queens, it will be a few months before we get rid of the nasty evil little buggers who are just hell bent on attacking you. It was fine when I went to bed but woke up Friday with a swollen eye.


I was stung on the eye lid beginning of this week. it did swell a fair bit and so I dabbed some on as it was the only thing I had in the house from all the suggestions in this thread.

My experience: the menthol has a pleasant refreshing feeling taking the edge of and in the morning, most of the swelling was gone. I have not yet suffered stings like this before and I usually hardly react so it might be due to my own body functioning it went but next time, the toothpaste will be used again... (elmex green is my brand :))
I have always presumed it's the bicarbonate in toothpaste which is effective.

As the old saying goes. Vinegar for Wasps; Bicarbonate for Bees.

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OTC hydrocortisone should not be use on the face and never on acne.

Why not? I get break outs of eczema frequently, and my doc has prescribed 1% hydrocortisone ointment which I use regularly on my face, as that's where the break outs occur
Why not? I get break outs of eczema frequently, and my doc has prescribed 1% hydrocortisone ointment which I use regularly on my face, as that's where the break outs occur
Yes my son used to get childhood eczema - and was given hydrocortisone for use on his face. However the directions were to use it sparingly and not for extended periods.
I don't react that much to stings..a bit painful and swollen.....but wow do they itch for several days! I find the best thing is to use the hairdryer on low heat and blow hot air over the area.....even on low heat it feels really hot....but the itching stops for hours afterwards.
I don't react that much to stings..a bit painful and swollen.....but wow do they itch for several days! I find the best thing is to use the hairdryer on low heat and blow hot air over the area.....even on low heat it feels really hot....but the itching stops for hours afterwards.
Either that or amputate the offending part - it does get tempting when the itching is driving you mad!
I got stung recently and used dock leaf milk, it worked for me. Didn't eradicate it but reduced the effect dramatically, I will used again.
I got stung recently and used dock leaf milk, it worked for me. Didn't eradicate it but reduced the effect dramatically, I will used again.

We always use docks to rub on nettle stings.
AND...Obee1 .....amputating both arms not feasible inhibits use of hands to spread your lovely lime honey on my toast....hmmmm yummy.
I got stung yesterday whilst looking at a Nuc that I've moved into a full hive. I have been feeding them so that they draw the foundation. I was not wearing gloves and to be honest I think I trapped the bee between the hive tool and my little finger. Christ it hurt, in fact so much so I dropped the hive tool! I woke up in the night and thought my finger was going to explode with the swelling, I resorted to taking the 'Steroids' the doctor gave me as a back up last week when I was stung on the face (din't take any of them last week).
Why not? I get break outs of eczema frequently, and my doc has prescribed 1% hydrocortisone ointment which I use regularly on my face, as that's where the break outs occur

Because that is prescribed. The Pharmacy can't do that.

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I'm not sure if it reduces the swelling (as I don't react much) any quicker but Apple Cider Vinegar takes a sting (bee or wasp) away in seconds for me. Just soak a bit of cotton wool and apply. Almost instant relief. If it recurs in a few minutes just apply again. Must be the vinegar working on the protein poisons.

For some reason it also provides great relief for me when I burn myself.