Bees bringing pollen today ,photo for Kazmcc

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Liam C Ryan

House Bee
Jun 22, 2010
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Bees in my home apiary bringing in pollen around 1pm today and some drinking at the water tray l set up. hope your feeling better Kazmcc
Good grief, they're covered- is that mimosa pollen?
Don,t know what it is Skyhook ,the bees were looking like wasps when they were returning to the hive.
A couple of shots of one of mine working the crocus at the weekend.
Lovely pix. There is a massive willow in a neighbour's garden and I recall last year the whole tree buzzed. Another week or so and it will be blooming :)
Great pictures members, now were really begining to see the Spring is near. What a lucky shot of the bee emerging from the crocus. Great.

Great pictures members, now were really begining to see the Spring is near. What a lucky shot of the bee emerging from the crocus. Great.


Lucky my a***!

I had to crouch over it for nearly 5mins with the camera waiting for the bee to come out! In the cold wind aswell!

It was lucky in some respects as when it did emerge it flew around and went straight back in so I had another wait and another chance !
Bees on Box flowers, it's all going crazy here now with Goat willow in full flow and wild plum just about to burst into flower.

Who won the noughts and crosses game in the first photo?bee-smillie

Are they drinking water off that block?
The block is a flower oasis used in flower arranging , very cheap, works like a sponge and safe for the bees to land on , its sitting in an old painting tray.
The paint roller tray itself has posibilities as a feeder...
Last couple of days that bees from my obs hive have been out, I am quite suprised at how much water they drink from the feeder on the hive.
I use Oasis too. I filled the area round the Oasis with pea gravel then water until it is just showing. This guards against the determined Darwin award candidates drowning themselves.
my bees were really busy today,with little yellow pollen balls on their legs,I just stood watching for about 10 minutes,
It is spring yippeeeeeeee

just photo of my Italian hive bringing in pollen, i assume crocus ( yolk egg yellow) Goat or Pussy Willow ( lighter yellow) but what is the grey pollen on the bee to the right, Does any one know
I was watching a honey bee and bumble bee in the garden today! The Honey bee had legs full of pollen, getting a bit impatient waiting for my bees now.

There's a lot of Speedwell flowering at the moment here in Balham - and I seem to recall that's got grey pollen.

Saw bees about a week ago on heather and they had grey pollen on their legs

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