Beekeepers holidays?

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Drone Bee
Jun 8, 2020
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Just been away for two weeks in June!!!!! Not the best time for a beekeeper to go on holiday I know. Where do you lovely people go??? and what time of year do you choose????? Do you stay on British turf or fly off to foreign lands?
I'm happy at home, too. Plenty to do to keep me occupied. I don't particularly enjoy weather that's much hotter than the south of the UK in the Summer anyhow and I have no wish to fly anywhere because of the environmental implications. I didn't even bother to renew my passport when it expired a couple of years ago.

I went away for 3 weeks from mid April, climbing a Himalayan mountan. The bees seemed behind last year when I left so I wasn't concerned - they had exploded by the time I got back, so much for my plan to unite hives!
I'm happy at home, too. Plenty to do to keep me occupied. I don't particularly enjoy weather that's much hotter than the south of the UK in the Summer anyhow and I have no wish to fly anywhere because of the environmental implications. I didn't even bother to renew my passport when it expired a couple of years ago.

Without a passport are you allowed into Cornwall?
Without a passport are you allowed into Cornwall?

It's possible to sneak in using the back roads, but I wouldn't want to attempt it on the "Atlantic Highway".

I'm not sure if they'd let me back into Wales these days though. Last time I only got away with it by singing "Sosban Fach" as we drove through the checkpoint.

Another home bird here. We live in a beautiful part of wales. We do have a camper van and do make forays into other parts of Wales and the Cotswolds for short breaks.
Without a passport are you allowed into Cornwall?
If the SNP get their way you'll need a passport to get into Scotland. That's where I'd head when the weather gets warm down here.

I thought I'd wait to get a new blue passport when previous expired. Haven't bothered.
I went away for 3 weeks from mid April, climbing a Himalayan mountan. The bees seemed behind last year when I left so I wasn't concerned - they had exploded by the time I got back, so much for my plan to unite hives!
Wow that must have been amazing to do that, very impressed
Well I went to florida, to Naples, loved it, guaranteed weather nearly every day, storm season, but the beauty of June, schools are still in so the place is really quiet. Watched pelicans diving for fish, dolphins, manatees in the shadows, there was a sharks head on the beach so gave a swim in the sea a miss!!!!! Thought I'd look up the local beekeeper, but we watched a few programmes of forensic files where people went off grid on holidays and weren't seen again, put me right off, not that I'm saying anything derogatory about beekeepers in America😬. Like you welsh born and bred but needed some warmth
Travelled the world up until ten years ago and now happy to spend it at home. Used our holiday money to build a swimming pool and make our garden a pleasure to be in. Who needs the hassle of airports and ferries. Not me any more
I don’t get many vacations. Too busy in the warm months and too cold to leave the house in the winter. Every once in awhile something good comes along that I can’t pass up. See you in October at the National. 🎶🍻
Looking forward to that!
Travelled the world up until ten years ago and now happy to spend it at home. Used our holiday money to build a swimming pool and make our garden a pleasure to be in. Who needs the hassle of airports and ferries. Not me any more
Wow I'd love a pool in the garden
I used to travel a lot for work (flying somewhere most weeks) before I took early retirement and now happy to stay at home but OH always wants to go away, so we compromise on one foreign holiday a year and the rest in the UK in our Eriba caravan. Went to Spain in May for a week to play golf (she stayed on for another 4 days, I came home to do the bees) and just been to Suffolk for a week with the new pup to see if she takes to camping. She loved it apart from disturbing a wasps nest on our last evening there and was stung about half a dozen times.
We live by the sea so I would stay here all the time if I could….. saying that we are celebrating milestone birthdays by going to the Florida Keys in January….
Travelled the world up until ten years ago and now happy to spend it at home. Used our holiday money to build a swimming pool and make our garden a pleasure to be in. Who needs the hassle of airports and ferries. Not me any more
I’m with you on that!

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